Monday, November 29, 2010

Jason Yates Issue#9 Facebook not a revolution.

Facebook, it allows you to engage in conversations with friends and strangers, sharing stories, pictures, and lives. But, we could do all these things already. The history of Facebook as portrayed by The Social Network is interesting, but only as interesting at the history of Myspace, Xanga, party lines or speed dating. My reaction to the hype is that this film gives an interesting look at marketing and consumerism and the "better, faster, cooler" desires of the Facebook generation, which I include myself in. We want the fastest Internet, the smallest phones, and the most convenient (at the moment) method of communicating with our peers.

"Greed is good" mentality only appeals in my opinion to those who benefit. The have-nots of society are more likely to support distributing wealth. While I feel there should be a wide mix of socio-economic classes in society. Capitalism dictates that not everyone profits from the ideas of one, or a few. Business is cutthroat and people on their way "to the top" can't bring everyone with them. I think Zuckerberg's donation corresponding with the movie release is a poor ploy to improve his image, but in spite of that I can't deny that genuine benefit will be derived from a donation of that amount.

For future entrepreneurs I think this story encourages them to value and protect their ideas, and pursue their dreams before anyone else does for them.

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