Monday, November 8, 2010

It is an unfortunate reality that comes with the job. When you are in the limelight, you are going to get criticized. You will have a microscope constantly above you, especially in politics where a candidate’s success is based on a discredited opponent. It is a fact that the majority of people vote for a candidate because they disagree/dislike their opponent. Anytime a scandal can take place it will, whether the candidate is male or female is irrelevant. In my opinion it seems slightly dramatic for Ball to compare herself to Hillary Clinton. In the Clinton scandal, Hillary Clinton was purely a victim, her actions and ethics were not under scrutiny; while Ball’s are. Also, Ball commented on the hypocrisy of the judges at President Clinton’s impeachment, however, President Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath- not because he had an extramarital affair. He was also the President of the United States, she is running for Congress. Ball’s actions are not a big issue, everyone does ‘silly’ things, but being a politician she should have expected that any and every negative detail will be released. Today, we all have to be careful what we do because of technology and the internet, pictures, videos, and voicemails can spread rapidly to all corners of the globe. The best policy to follow is not to do anything you may regret later. This is just how society works; the constant scrutiny is what comes with this job. With great power, comes great responsibility and expectations.

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