Sunday, November 14, 2010

Issue #12 Brian Busick Article

Overall I have to give it to Mr. Busick for growing a business and to gain a profit from his endeavors. My personal ambitions I would love to work for myself in the future. The trick is to find a demand like Busick did and figure out if there is something that your community needs.
Busick would have needed to think of several issues: Consider family situation and if they could afford a monetary change? He would have to ask, can I make a profit by doing this? Will he have enough capital to carry the company in case he had a bad month? Is my working 80 hours a week worth it? Are there any legal issues that you will need to address? Will my location be suitable? What planning went in to his business decisions?
Here locally, one of the major issues Wild West World had when it first opened was that there was terrible weather the first few months.
This article does leave a lot of questions to be answered! This article does not give the realistic side into what work Busick did, money he lost, and frustrations he had to work through.
Really I would like to start my own business but at the same time there is a lot of research, startup costs, and computation. That and I have thought of several ideas but it is also nice to know that you are going to bring home a specific amount of money each week working for someone else.
Communication and writing effect small business on several levels from start-up writing up a business plan to advertising.

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