Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Issue #12

My overall reaction to Brian Busick's story is he did what he wanted and did not let anything get in his way. He seems to have that killer instinct to make a tough decision when he needs to and does not look back at that decision. A few things that stuck with me when reading this article is that Mr. Busick was a very ambitious person who was dedicated to become successful, motivated to accomplish his goals and had the work ethic to make all of his dreams and goals come true. It is pretty apparent that Mr. Busick understands the way to be successful. A quote that stuck out to me the most in this article was Mr. Busick saying "we created a brand". His constant strive for understanding his brand and researching what was demanded also played a major role in his success as he wanted to know what the kids favorite foods were. As a business student, and having a father who is a successful entrepreneur, I also have entrepreneurial ambitions. My ambitions relate to Mr. Busick because striving for excellence in everything and achieving your short and long term goals are what make the difference between a successful entrepreneur and an unsuccessful one.

Issue 12

I really enjoyed Brian's story. While I don't have any entrepreneurial ambitions, Brian would be a great role model for someone that does. He used to spend most of his time working long hours in order to make enough money and keep his business running, but eventually that got old, and he decided to try something new. Brian's idea was ingenious, and I think the schools benefit from him providing lunch to their students because the food is all hand-made, and not processed. In the end, Brian gets to work a job that is a little less demanding, but pays good, and the schools get healthy meals for their kids.

Issue 10

I think McDonald's is going over the top with their changes. Spending 5 million dollars on upgrades to the decor seems a little crazy to me. I applaud their efforts to revamp their menu items and make them healthier, but putting so much time and effort into redoing the inside of the restaurant is unnecessary. On average, people are likely going to be spending 15-20 minutes inside the restaurant, and most people are going to be worried about eating their food rather than staring at a fireplace. Now, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to eat at a McDonald's that is filthy, or has outdated furniture, but I feel like they're going a little over the top. I realize that this renovation is an effort to draw a new crowd to the chain, but I feel like they're attracting the wrong people. In my eyes, McDonald's is always going to be seen as a fast food restaurant that you can easily take your kids to, not a coffee shop.

Issue #11

Britain is not the only country that has been implementing such programs especially with a country's political structure. Even Secretary General of the United Nations, Ban Ki Moon proclaimed that one of his goals while in office is to have more women participate in the solutions the UN proposes. The UN is currently hiring more women than ever before, as they have recognized the benefits that come with having a female perspective. Many African states, such as Rwanda have implemented domestic policy to ensure that they have at least 40% of women representation in their governments.
The end result of these policies is positive, as gender equality always is. However, a significant drawback is that discrimination now exist favoring women. Candidates who may be less qualified for these jobs may be selected just to make up the percentage. These could leave us with gender equality in the political sector, but with unqualified, or less qualified representatives. On the other hand, this policy could motivate young women, who are interested in politics, to strive for theses positions. Because the opportunity is there for women, we should trust that they will rise to the occasion.

Issue #9 Nikki Nguyen

I believe that the "greed is good" mentality has good and bad sides. It can become overwhelming, but the motivation from it may create something very powerful. Businesses thrive off of this mentality. If this mentality is non-existent than countries like America would not be where they are today.

The negative portrayal of Zuckerberg shows how another person's success may affect the view of how people perceive that person. The movie showed that his greed for success became an issue with the one friend he had. He wanted something different for his company and in order to do that he saw the only way was to cut out his best friend. Maybe he saw it as the best move for him because the company was more important to him than a personal relationship.

Facebook has changed the way people communicate. Now you are able to find millions and millions of people with a click of a button. It is a revolution.

Zuckerberg's success is inspirational. It shows how such simple ideas can become powerful given the right tools. He accomplished something that others attempted and failed. Many people thought Facebook would become unpopular after it was finished being a "new trend", yet it is still growing everyday.

Issue #9

I think the greed is good mentality refers to how people had to be greedy in order to become wealthy. I think that mentality is true and very alive today. All of the wealthy people today form Bill Gates to Oprah got that way because they thought about themselves and I don't think that is a bad thing. I think you have to have a certain of greed to become wealthy why do you think rich people have so much. I think Mark Zucherberg was just capitalizing on an opportunity when it came along, The negative publicity he gets will only make him and Facebook more money.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Issue #11 - Elizabeth Mears

Females have never had the same opportunities as men have in the work force. As a female, it is easy to sympathize with women who face prejudices and discrimination in the workplace based on gender. However I do not agree with the policies that have been adopted in Europe. Although equality for women is a prominent issue in the work force, there is not an immediate solution. Allowing women more privileges is going to create discrimination against men. The balance will remain off. More research is needed in order to come up with a more sensible solution that makes sense.

While the idea of having a certain percentage of female employees is an honorable idea, it is simply unfeasible. The fact of having a set percentage of a company is women is just like saying 40% of our employees must be white or 75% of our employees have to be Christian. It is unrelated to the job. A man may be just as qualified as a woman for a position in the company, but if 60% of the positions are already full, she will get the job before him. That does not make any sense. The company should strive to hire the most qualified candidate for the position, and not be gender bias.

Issue #9

I think the "greed is good" mentality is good to a certain extent. You must always be looking out for yourself in this day and age and you must fight to keep on your feet anymore. In order to achieve goals there must be some greed involved.

I think the negative portrayal of Zuckerberg in the movie portrays the jealousy most people have when others are more successful then themselves. People will always criticize others success and degrade them for it.

I think facebook is a revolution. Anymore it is the best way I communicate with my family because of our busy schedules. I can see what they are up to, how they are doing, ask questions, and make comments all in a matter of minutes. And when I have a chance to get on again I know that their replys will be there and if I can't respond right away I can always come back. It's much easier than playing phone tag.

I think Zuckerberg's story should be an inspiration to people with a vision. He did what he had to do to accomplish what he wanted and I think for entrepreneurs, the mentality to do what it takes needs to be there.

Issue #10

I think giving McDonalds a new look will get more people to come in, whether it be the food or the free wi-fi or just to lounge around and watch tv is hard to say. I think changing the menu or adding better choices would be a better route to take. Although a lot of people would say you can't change the food because then... well it just wouldn't be the same. Which is kind of the point. I think that adding plasma tv's and lounge chairs will just give people another reason to be lazy and eat McDonalds food. Which might possibly be their goal but its diffinatly not a healthy choice. I don't eat at McDonalds personally I think its disgusting and I don't think changing it to make it feel like more of a coffee house would ever change my mind. I guess for some a change of scenery may make it more appealing but like I said before, the best change to make would be to the menu. Fast food is not classy, why waste millions of dollars to upscale a restaurant where basically kids and people on the go are the main consumers.

Coffee houses are good places for meetings and doing homework; you also don't find many children in coffee houses but McDonalds will always have kids in it.

Issue #11

As others have pointed out on this blog, perhaps we should look to culture, rather than corporate power structure, if we want to help women break through the glass ceiling. Perhaps we should change the environment in which we raise our children, do so in such a way as to prevent them from falling into sterotypical molds as they grow up. I know that I am painting in very broad strokes as I say this, but my main point still stands: I do not believe that companies should be required to balance their workforce unless there were some evidence showing that such actions would improve profit or productivity. Fortunately, the authors of the article do provide such evidence, although not all of it is convincing. The first study merely shows a correlation: it does not provide a definitive link between high investment returns and a high number of women in management. The second study is more interesting, as it establishes a real connection (that of the tendency to avoid groupthink) between gender equality and productivity. Clearly such research is valuable, and more of it should be pursued along these lines. My overall opinion, in light of the preceding, is split. I still stand by my earlier statement that companies should not be forced to adopt gender equality, though tentative studies have shown a connections between a high number of employed women and a high degree of success. Barring further evidence, and more case studies, I do not really know what to think. More definitive evidence one way or another is what I would like to see.

Issue #11

I agree with the European polices Hewlett mentions. I think that government should help to make it easier for women to go back to work by putting some of the "parental needs" toward the father. Giving both parents paid time off from work when a child is born is indeed a good idea. I also think the name-blind job application forms would be a good idea because it eliminates prejudice in terms of gender. If the employer doesn't know whether the applicant is male or female then when determining which applicant to hire it doesn't come down to gender, just their experience. I also think having both women and men on a staff would lead to better production because women and men think differently and can give different perspectives and ideas.

Issue #9 Nikki Troyer

I personally have not seen this movie yet, but my boyfriend and I would love to see it when it is rentable. My reaction to the hype is that is well respected and needed. These young men designed the most popular social network in our entire history. His ups and downs through the years have shown that success can be very hard to obtain, but if you are persistant you will prevail. The negatives about success show through his trials and tributes. Facebook is a great social network that many have learned to love and be addicted to! The negative media will always be down technological people, but I would like to see them come up with any of those ideas. I appreciate Mark and all his ideas are to bring people who are socially akward closer to their other peers.

issue 10

Changing McDonald's image will almost be impossible without totally changing the name and entire menu. McDonald's has tried to do this in the past without much success. I even remember when I was very young that McDonald's even tried to introduce pizza to their menu. When you think McDonald's you think cheap, fast, tasty, and unhealthy. To eliminate "unhealthy" McDonald's will have to keep the same food but made in a healthier way.

I believe McDonald's is just saying it is trying to improve their image to get the criticizers off their back. You will notice they add healthy items to their menu, but they never dare take an unhealthy one off. ( supersize doesn't count) Why would they seriously take something that is successful but unhealthy off their menu? Why would they mess with something that makes them so much money?

Issue 9

I think Zuckerberg's story is truly one of a kind and young entrepreneurs should not use his experience as a model. Most of what he accomplished can be attributed to luck which is not what you persons looking to start a business should bet their hopes on. What the should follow is Zuckerberg's drive to succeed. Although greedy, he accomplished his dream and thats what he initially set out to do.

I think the big amount of money Zuckerberg donated just before the release of his film had more to do with bettering his image than an act of good will. Zuckerberg from the beginning did not agree with how the film portrayed him, and how better to soften the blow than to donate an enormous sum of money to a struggling school district.

Blog #7 (Issue #10)

McDonald's is one of the most well-known fast food companies in the world. There are over 31,000 restaurants found in 119 countries globally. They are mostly known for the sale of hamburgers, cheeseburgers, chicken, french fries, shakes, breakfast items, desserts and now healthier items such as fruit, salads, and wraps.

Over the past few decades, McDonald's has become a model for many controversies. One of the biggest being their supposed cause of obesity. McDonald's is the fast food company that continues to be the prime target for attack. To relieve themselves of this reputation, they have tried to change their image.

McDonald's is a business, a billion dollar industry. They may be getting bad publicity, but people STILL eat there. Yes, they may lose a few customers but their bad publicity isn't so bad that it's making EVERYONE refuse to eat there.

There may be some things that McDonald's does that people don't agree with. Low wages, unhealthy food options, offering toys to children as encouragement to eat there, and the treatment of the animals are all big topics that are commonly discussed when refering to the bad image McDonald's has. But how many other THOUSANDS of fast food restaurants are there in this world that do the same things. How many other companies are destroying the earth, cruelly killing animals, "causing" obesity, and offering unhealthy food options? Many of them.

If people don't like the way McDonald's runs their company, they don't have to eat there. They don't have to support their business. If McDonald's is breaking laws in reference to wages, animal cruelty, distruction of habitats, and whatever else there is, then that is for the law and the government to take care of. But McDonald's is a billion dollar industry and nothing has stopped the millions of customers from spending their money there.

I think it is great that they have offered a somewhat healthier menu. But in my opinion, if people don't want to eat something unhealthy...no one is making people eat there! And while McDonald's may be serving food that is higher in fat, calories, sugar, carbs, etc...it is all determined by how much of it a person eats. Eating McDonald's once every couple of weeks or once a month is not going to be the cause of obesity.

I don't think that McDonald's should change their image. If they feel that they should increase their popularity by changing their image, then that's their choice. But McDonald's will probably never go out of business because people love to eat there. Regardless of their image. And with the economy the way it is, McDonald's employs more than 1.5 million people. If they go out of business, where will all of the unemployeed people go?

Issue #10

Yes, I am a little sick of talking about McDonald's, so I am going to talk about a company that I never get tired of talking about, Wal-Mart. Recently our friends at Wal-Mart figured out that they didn't exactly have the greatest of corporate images, so they kicked the smiley face to curb, and set out for a new, shinier, happier Wal-Mart. They have gone with a strategy to tell the masses about all of the energy efficient changes that they have made as a company, and if you shop in their stores, you are actually making the planet better. Nevermind the fact that they consistently pay their employees a substandard wage, and probably would have continued on with their pollution spree if they hadn't figured out that saving energy is actually making them even more money. I think that they are probably winning over new customers with their new approach, but until they show this consumer that they are actually caring for their employees, vendors, and truly giving back to the communities that they have bullied their way into, there will never be a reason for me to set foot in anyone of their stores.

Issue #9

At times I feel that I am one of the last breathing people on this planet that does not have a Facebook. Perhaps I am an old fuddy duddy, but it appears to me that Facebook is actually harmful to our society rather than the social "revolution" that many people believe that it is. As I previously stated, I am in no way a Facebook expert, but my observations that I have had of it, have led me to believe that it is not conducive to a happy culture. With the invention of texting, it seems that we have lost our ability to really communicate with each other. Long gone are the days where people actually picked up the phone and could hear the other person's voice. Over the weekend I went to a family Thanksgiving where the dominant topic of conversation was about Facebook, some of the women actually brought their phone chargers with them, just so they wouldn't miss out on what was going on in their Facebook world. When it came to light that I do not partake in their newfound obsession, I was literally shunned, and none of the "Facebookers" talked to me for the rest of the dinner. I truly believe that in the world today that there are millions of fascinating and important things that we should all be engaging in serious discussions about, but instead of talking to you about it, I guess I will just have to post something on your "wall"......whatever that is.

Issue #8

When searching for the job that I drafted my cover letter for, I used CareerBuilder. I find that this particular website has a vast array of jobs that are posted for my specific degree. Everyday they send me an email to update me on jobs that have been recently posted in the accounting field. After having been away from the workforce for quite some time, it is great that there is a website for basically one stop job shopping. I have not actually started submitting my resume yet, but I think that after the exercise in class, that I am confidant about my resume, and with this fantastic resource, I feel that I will be successful in finding the career of my choice.

Issue# 11 Equalization between the sexes

The idea of equalization between genders in the workplace is a good goal, especially concerning pay rates, raises, and promotions. But I feel that to truly be equal, a law mandating positions for women is not the right solution at this time.

Right now, Americans are clamoring for less government (or government control) in their lives. For the government to exercise control over hiring decisions for top executives and boards allows for more influence in the workplace then most people would feel comfortable with. This would greatly effect thousands of companies, and not necessarily in a positive way. There may be some fields, there may not be, but there may be some fields where there are not a great deal of qualified women or men working. To counter this phenomena, a greater number of women could begin to study said field, but that takes time. Should major companies such as Walmart, the largest retailer in the world, fire half of it's board because the government feels it should?

Though this idea does support equality for women, it doesn't necessarily mandate equality for all. What if a board of directors consists of all women? Should men be allowed or mandated top positions, even at companies that cater to and are designed for women, such as Curves? Just as some qualified women today are not promoted in lieu of less qualified men, the program suggested may result in qualified men not being promoted in lieu of less qualified women.

To ensure both fairness and equality, rather then mandating a percentage of women on boards and in executive positions, a merit and/or voting system can be used, much like the congressional approval process for presidential nominees. Those panels consist of equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. Similarly, when a position opens for a board of executives, an equal number of shareholders or other executives should be allowed to select the individual for the position. The panel should consist of equal numbers of men and women, all with equal voting power. The logistics of a stalemate could be worked out at a later date, as needs arise. But this seems far more acceptable then mandating positions for either sex, and keeps government offices from further controlling business decisions.

Jason Yates Issue#9 Facebook not a revolution.

Facebook, it allows you to engage in conversations with friends and strangers, sharing stories, pictures, and lives. But, we could do all these things already. The history of Facebook as portrayed by The Social Network is interesting, but only as interesting at the history of Myspace, Xanga, party lines or speed dating. My reaction to the hype is that this film gives an interesting look at marketing and consumerism and the "better, faster, cooler" desires of the Facebook generation, which I include myself in. We want the fastest Internet, the smallest phones, and the most convenient (at the moment) method of communicating with our peers.

"Greed is good" mentality only appeals in my opinion to those who benefit. The have-nots of society are more likely to support distributing wealth. While I feel there should be a wide mix of socio-economic classes in society. Capitalism dictates that not everyone profits from the ideas of one, or a few. Business is cutthroat and people on their way "to the top" can't bring everyone with them. I think Zuckerberg's donation corresponding with the movie release is a poor ploy to improve his image, but in spite of that I can't deny that genuine benefit will be derived from a donation of that amount.

For future entrepreneurs I think this story encourages them to value and protect their ideas, and pursue their dreams before anyone else does for them.

Issue #10 - Elizabeth Mears

I think McDonald’s is taking an extremely well thought out step by changing the image of their company. Personally, when the topic of McDonald’s comes up, I think cheap food, lots of plastic, and average service. This revamp will allow them to appeal to a broader audience by making it more sophisticated. If they had approached me to ask my advice on their change, I would have told them the sooner the better.

I understand that this will not change people’s perception on their food, but the food is only half of the dining experience. The other half is environment. If they want more customers, they have to appeal to a wider audience. This change is definitely the way to go. However, there are some issues that need to be addressed first. I understand the concern of the franchise owners having to fund their own remodeling. With all the changes, there will barely be a profit for them. If a better solution is created for everyone to have equal funding and opportunity for change, the franchises are more likely to have a positive response.

Issue #9

I think that Mark Zuckerberg should definitely be considered as a role model in the business world, especially for other young adults with aspirations to enter the business field. The “Greed is Good” mentality of the eighties has its place. It is a good thing to be greedy to a certain degree in order to achieve your goals to the highest of your abilities. In today’s day and age I think that we are somewhat revolving back to that mentality with the perception that having all the money and fame is the only way to be happy.

The negative portrayal of Zuckerberg says that our culture looks down upon successful business people because of a jealousy factor. Not everyone can be successful in the business world, and they can DEFINITELY not all be as successful as Zuckerberg. I think Zuckerberg’s philanthropy was not related to the negative image of The Social Network. Any time that someone gets into the public eye, anything that they do is going to be criticized. He is getting way too much flack over all of this, when he is trying to do a good thing.

Facebook IS most certainly revolution. It has changed social networking forever. Zuckerberg’s story will live on and be an inspiration to other entrepreneurs. His story will allow them to assume a similar role of the cutthroat tactics and the do whatever it takes mentality.

Issue 11 Jon Parker

My opinion on this is not quite for or against the article. I believe that equality needs to be seen in our culture but forcing it will not help. If our kids are educated and brought up with the idea of equality than they will take it into corporate atmospheres. However parents today still treat boys and girls so differently. From the color schemes in their rooms, to the clothes they wear, to what toys they play with and how they treat everyday situations. If we really want true equality than we need to quit segregating these things into boy/girl categories at such a young age and let kids define their colors/toys/situations for themselves. Will this ever happen? Probably not but its the only way I can see it happening. Forcing equality on creates resentment, if you dont believe me go look at US history and tell me the wasnt resenment after the emancipation proclimation.

Issue 10 Jon Parker

I feel as though the change isnt about just trying to stray away from fat foods and onto the premium items like coffee. It seems to be McD is trying to get away from looking like they are catering to kids. They were hit and smakcked around for years for trying to get kids hooked to their food and everyone was suing them for it. These renevations definately feel more adult and serene and detract from past ideas of them trying to fatten america's youth.

Other companies are trying to do the same thing. Look at walkgreens over the last 5-10 years. They have moved from a cornerstore pharmacy to a small grocery/convientent store. Their image has changed drastically in that time. Another store to do so is Barnes and nobles. They went from being a small bookstore to being a meeting place. They have lounges now and a coffee shop, some even have a sandwhich shop now. All so people will come in spend time there and hopefully pick up a book on the way out.

Issue 8 Jon Parker

I Found the job I wrote about on the intranet at quiktrip. I wasn't sure I was going to be right for the job when I first read the title but after reading the requirements and seeing what duties are delegated to that job i feel as though I would be the perfect canadate for such a position. I feel that when looking for a job people have got to learn not to sell themselves short. Always understand that you will pick up valuable skills at every job you have. You should never be afraid to stick your head out there and try for a position you might not think your qualified for. The worst that can happen is you get turned down. If that happens get up and try try again.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Issue #11

I think that British parliament is moving in the right direction. If there is an overall increase in productivity, and a larger benefit gained from an increase in female board members, then policies like these should be initiated. If, however, there can be no proof linking these low percentages to that of discrimination, then I think that it is crossing a line to force companies to change their percentage of board members to 40%.

I believe in social equality more than the next, but when it comes to forcing companies to allow positions of great power and responsibility to someone who does not deserve it, then it would be fool-hearty to allow such a thing. Companies thrive under strong direction, not to opposition. I think that the proposals offered by David Cameron's party are brilliant. There are restrictions to discrimination, and consequences that should follow if a company operates in such a way. The idea to audit an entire companies pay scale is a great idea, if a company shows signs of paying on the basis of sex.

Corporate entry-level graduates may be comprised of 47% women, but I think the question is not statistics, but if put to the task, can the said employee operate under the strenuous conditions. Another question to be answered is , why is the number of top executives only 17% , and what are the reasons behind hiring large proportions of men as executive, versus that of women. If the answer to those questions are Discriminatory, then companies should be forced to comply with legislature opposing those actions.

What might work for some individuals, might not work for everyone. If a certain few companies are discriminative, then it should not be imposed on the rest of the countries companies. That being said, I think that any combination of board members or executives should be used to gain favor for any type of industry. The overall goal, of course, is maximizing shareholder wealth.

Issue #10

I think that it is a good idea for McDonald's to change their look. They have come under heavy fire lately, because of how unhealthy their food is and how it contributes to Obesity in the United States. I think the change will take people off the idea that McDonald's is a cheap unhealthy eatery, and make them think of McDonald's as a more classy restaurant, with options for healthy and unhealthy items.

If McDonald's were to ask me for advice, I would say to continue on course. The only difference in the strategy they have now, is what they will do about parking and heavy traffic areas. If McDonald's wishes to become a local hang-out, then they need to look at a larger, more spacious area. Overall I think the branding strategy could very well be a success. The only problem is to get their franchisees to go along with the plan.

The one thing McDonald's needs, is unity within all of their franchisees. If they plan to go ahead with this re-branding strategy, then they need everyone to be cooperative. They need to first organize a business plan, and make everyone aware of what their intentions are and how it will benefit everyone in either the short-run or the long-run.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Issue #10

I think it is absolutely a positive thing that McDonalds is trying to change their image. As one of the most successful brands in America, the company must be willing to change their ways in order to put up with customer demands. The local McDonalds in my area has already switched their restaurant over to this setting, complete with plasma televisions, couches, and a much more grown up look.
As someone who is a healthy eater and usually strays away from the restaurant, I really like the changes. Rather than encountering a gross, kid-infested McDonalds with red and yellow surrounding me at all times, I am greeted with a much more comfortable, relaxed setting.
As far as the new menu items go, I also believe that it is a positive change. By appealing to different target markets, McDonalds is able to expand the amount of people coming into their restaurant.
I don't believe that McDonalds needs to change much of anything about their revamp. It is appealing to many people and makes the restaurant seem like a much more modern place.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Issue #12

Brian Busick's success in business is extraordinary. He certainly has a mind for developoing businesses and the discipline to move on when it is time. His story is very inspiring and certainly makes me want to start company tomorrow. However, if you really appreciate all the work that he does you will acknowledge that it is not that easy. He mentions in the article he worked from 6 am-11pm most days. Even the story of how he put himself through college is impressive. In my mind I have this concept of an entrepreneur that achieves instant success without breaking a sweat. That's not true at all. There are significant risks and lots and lots of hard work that go into developing a business from startup. I'm sure he had a grasp of the numbers behind a business. He had a degree in finance so he understand the implication of fixed overhead and the ratio to income. Having the skill set to understand the implications of financial decisions was vital to his success.

Issue #10

Given the extraordinary success that Starbucks has been able to develop out of its marketing efforts there are several firms that are following suit. McDonalds in some respect almost seems like a copy of the coffee retailer. However, it makes sense for McDonalds to re-brand its stores because it communicates to customers that the firm is innovative. If you look at marketing principles, McDonalds has seen success because it has differentiated itself from it competitors. As its profitability grows it has developed the ability to have better systems and provide better service. It would seem natural for it to begin to start to expand their innovation to atmospherics present in restaurants and to begin to communicate to customers that they want to provide a better dining experience. However, there is reservation on the part of franchisee's because the cost of remodeling would come from their pocket. Not every franchise owner may not be liquid or have the working capital to undertake such a venture. The process of rebranding could easily backfire and lead a number of restaurants to become insolvent and go bankrupt. If McDonalds wants to do this they should somehow provide security to franchisee's. This could be a subsidy of some sort or a guarantee that they will step in if something goes wrong. The change is necessary but the things every franchisee needs to keep in mind is their ability to pay for it.

Topic # 10

I think McDonalds is heading down the wrong path. They have spent so much time and money developing an image that is known worldwide. They have made some good changes recently, like their improved coffee. This apparently was a great boost for their business. I would tell McDonalds that food quality is their greatest weakness right now. I have not been there in quite some time because it seems like their quality has gone off a cliff in the last 2 or 3 years. They have wrung every bit of efficiency out of their enormous network, and the result is a product that is almost inedible. I would much rather pay twice as much for my burger at a place like Five Guys, which is so much better than McDonalds. I couldn't care less if the McDonalds has a new flatscreen TV or an armchair.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Issue #12 Part2

Here at Koch Industries we are adding a new policy which applies to communication in the workplace. This policy will take effect January 1, 2011. After this date, failure to comply with the new policy will result in one written notice stating you are not following policy and after this written notification if such instance is to occur again you will be terminated immediately.

Communication in the workplace:
There will no longer be communication via text messaging. If you have to use a means of communication away from the computer you must call the person you are trying to contact. We want to set a more professional environment here at Koch Industries and text messaging will no longer be accepted. The preferred means of communication is email but as we all know there are times we cannot get to a computer so you must call in advance.
Policy implication 1.) No text messages.

There will no longer be a written communication in the form of a "text message" style. This means you must use proper grammar as well as proper english. We need to proof read as well as watch our tone in our emails. Please no longer send quick emails without looking over them before sending. Our style here at Koch Industry is formal. Every message should be sent in a formal manner with a well put together structure.

Please work on these changes. For some of us with this new technology advance it will be hard to make the change. Let us know if you have any questions about the new policy changes.

Issue #8

I wrote my cover letter in response to an employment ad for an accounting position. Accounting is a field that I have long been interested in but which requires specific knowledge and training. Hence the reason that I am a returning adult student at Wichita State. WSU, through its faculty, student organizations, and local business community connections, provides invaluable networking resources and opportunities to aid in the job search process. This is a second career for me, but one in which I believe I can be successful because of the variety of employment options available.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Issue #8

For my resume assignment, I chose to write it in regards to an accounting internship at Koch Industries. I chose this because I found it to be helpful in the field I want to enter when I graduate. Koch Industries is a world reknown company that would give me valuable experience in the real world of accounting. I heard about it from a speaker that came to my accounting class to discuss this internship. Some obstacles I would need to overcome to actually get this job is take more upper level accounting classes. A job like this is definitely a job that I would pursue for the summer, because it would teach me what my classes are not able to. I applied for a co-op position with the co-op office and hope that it helps me find a job similer to the Koch job presented to me in class.

issue #10

Everyone always yelled as a child "I wanna go to Mickey D's!", well will that still be the case with their new makeover? I think it will be to some extent, but I believe BK is attracting many children as well. I love the idea of having an armchair to eat in or the double drive thru lanes, it makes their service better. If you can go to a fast food restaurant and sit in a comfortable arm chair and watch tv or study with a few friends then why not? Or if you can choose to go in either lane to speed the process of ordering and getting your food in the drive thru ... then why not do it? I think that the makeover was long over due and that many other fast food chains will be doing makeovers similar to keep up with the times.
I do think that making franchise owners pay for this renovation completely out of their pocket is a little overboard since they are basically forcing the renovation upon the franchise owners.
Dillons, Walmart, and Braums are all trying to change their images. Dillons is trying to be bigger and carry more items to compete more with Walmart. If you walk into the Dillons at 21st and Maize, you can buy furniture, pictures, mirrors, tv's, and much more along with buying your groceries. What's next? A lube express with a shop out of the back of the store?
Walmart is actually downsizing a couple of its locations. There is supposed to be a Walmart built at Central and West across from the Dillons, but there isn't room for a full sized Walmart, so what i've been told is that it will be just the grocery portion of a Walmart. Will that work?
Braums now has their own grocery section called the "fresh market place" I believe. I've never seen Braums as having groceries only as having ice cream, so who knows if all these changes will really benefit these three companies.

issue #8

I chose the job of bank teller, simply because it seems like a logical position to get into when going for an accounting degree. I've been at my current job for almost four years now and since I didn't even have an interview for my current job, I really have no job hunting skills. I know that keeping a positive attitude with your coworkers and leaving the job on a positive note will help you in the long run. You can use an old manager or coworker as a reference for a new job.
I would like to get into a job like this during school, but would like to move onto something better after graduation. I found the job on www.wichitahelpwanted.com. My main issue with most job is going to be lack of experience. I do have almost four years of customer service help which should help out a lot though.

Issue #12 (2nd one)

I wanted to take this opportunity to address the employees of Snowman Inc. about our written communication policy. New technological advances are affecting the way we communicate in writing. The main problem is writing that is considered “text messaging style.” While it is handy to quickly text your buddies, it is not appropriate for the workplace. Never is it acceptable to use quick text message style writing here at Snowman Inc. Whether you are emailing co-workers, managers, or clients please be extra careful of your grammar usage. The way you write reflects everyone at Snowman Inc. and we do not want to be perceived as an uneducated business. This could be a challenge for some of us that have gotten laidback in your writing, but we are all here to help with the transition back to proper business writing. Proofreading each other’s documents will get a fresh set of eyes on your writing to check for any grammar errors. Thank you for your time and let me know if you have any questions.

Issue #8 Jason Yates:Choosing a job.

I'd like to think that after graduation I'll be able to decide which job offer I'll accept. In this time of economic turmoil and job uncertainty, who wouldn't want to handpick their job? Unfortunately, that is unlikely to happen. I have found through my previous job experience though that finding a job is less about finding openings and more about networking. To some that may go without saying. My current job was never officially advertised, which made the candidate pool for that job very limited. I found out about the opening through a previous employer. On that note, it is important even when leaving a job to maintain a positive attitude because the people you previously worked with can be very helpful in later years.

For my cover letter, I chose the job of Intensive Supervision Officer, which is a probation officer with whom a criminal offender would meet with more often then the typical offender. Responsibilities would include ensuring clients have and maintain a job, refrain from using drugs or alcohol, do not possess any firearms, as well as many other restrictions put in place by the court system. I chose to apply for this position because as a criminal justice major, it is the field in which I have the most knowledge. I found the job on HrE partners website, which lists government jobs in Kansas separated by individual counties. Most job requirements on this website recognize that school may often be a substitute for real world experience, and note this accordingly. I found my biggest obstacle when applying for this job was the interview process. Having only experienced a few interviews in my life, it is a task that makes me nervous and uncomfortable. To overcome this obstacle, I practiced answering possible questions with a friend so come interview time, I would be able to more smoothly answer tough questions.

My career ambitions are unclear due to the precarious nature of the job market at present. In spite of having a clear objective, to work in the criminal justice field, I am prepared to adapt to the changing needs of the market as well.

Issue #8

I chose to pursue a degree in Accounting because it provides the greatest versatility when it comes to applying the skill in the workplace. When complemented with other specializations it makes for a great opportunity to diversify applications and develop confidence in the person behind the resume. Given the current job market its scary to think about job security. I found accounting to be one of those professions that is extremely vital to any organization regardless of th economic conditions they may be facing. If a company is doing well, they need an accountant. If a company is not doing well, they still need an accountant. Another deciding factor for me was that Accounting is the language of business. There are very few jobs in business where you aren't analyzing financial information for decision making. After graduation I want to work for a firm and grow my knowledge of financial accounting. Then I want to transfer into managerial accounting & analysis. Then I want to go into operations management and strategic development. Eventually maybe even possibly pursuing venture capitalism.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Issue #10

I can understand why McDonald’s wants to spruce up their look. Starbucks has already popped up and became a popular place for all ages to spend time. When people go there to hang out they usually end up buying something while there and thus their sales increase. If McDonald’s were to renovate their restaurants they believe it will attract more customers and boost profits. The three sections they discussed in the articles will attract all kinds of customers; families, people on the go, and people wanting to hang out with friends.

I think they have great renovation ideas and the restaurants will look great if completed as planned. They will be fun and this will put McDonald’s a step ahead of other fast food restaurants. However, is the change really necessary? McDonald’s is already a successful fast food restaurant known for their food. People go there because they like the food regardless of the atmosphere. Obviously they aren’t going to McDonald’s for the atmosphere because look at McDonald’s right now; dirty, plain, and outdated. In fact, a majority of the customers that go to McDonald’s go through the drive-thru instead of going inside. I think McDonald’s has a great idea and it will probably boost their profit, but is it really going to boost their profits that much to make all the costs of renovations worth it?

Issue #8

For my cover letter/resume assignment I chose to apply for a financial advisor position. I chose this position because I am very interested in finance, especially financial advising. After working at a bank for more than 4 years I see how people budget their money, and I see how people do not budget their money. It has made me realize that I want to teach people how to manage their money and help them make the right decisions.

This is a position that I would like to have after graduation. I found it on careerbuilder.com. Personally, I have not done a lot of job hunting in the past; I started at my current job during high school. It seems, from others’ experiences, that networking is very beneficial. Knowing people is extremely important when job hunting. Since I have only worked as a teller at the bank, I do not have a lot of experience in other areas of business. Due to this obstacle, on my resume I include business classes that I have completed that enhance my business knowledge.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Issue #10

I love the fact that McDonald's is upgrading the look and feel. However, I am not to fond of the idea of changing the menu completely! That is what made McDonald's, McDonald's! People fell in love with the food because it was good, fast, and cheap. Now to completely change the menu doesn't make sense to me. Adding new items is great, but you can't deviate completely from what made you in the beginning. McDonald's is also known for being kid friendly with the different characters, the menu items for children, the play areas, and Ronald McDonald himself. I believe that some upgrades to the look and feel is great, but they still need to make sure they are maintaining their image as kid friendly. When you ask a child were do you want to go eat, they always respond with "McDonalds"! If you are to change your image completely, you need to ask yourself, are children still going to be saying "McDonalds" if the look has completely changed!

Issue #8

I chose Koch Industries because I am majoring in accounting and Koch shows the qualities of a great company to work for. I would also love to work for Koch after I graduate. One of my friends actually works for Koch and I have heard several individuals talk about what a great place it is to work at. Some of the obstacles I will face is the lack of work experience in the accounting field. I can overcome this obstacle by seeing if I can get an internship before I graduate in order to gain some experience. I bit of advice that I could offer in applying for jobs is to make sure that you do your homework on the company you are applying to. That way if you are asked a question about the company in an interview, you will not look completely lost.

Issue #9

I am pretty tired of hearing about Facebook, Myspace, Twitter or other social networking sites. If you do not want to participate, then don't set up a profile. I don't agree with the "Greed is Good" mentality. It justifies the actions of those in corporate America to achieve their own goals no matter who they crush along the way. In their eyes, money is power. But whatever happened to integrity and loyalty? Our culture views those power-hungry entrepeneurs as the "soul-less villians" who find pleasure in crushing the dreams of others. Those entrepeneurs that maintain integrity and allow others to share in the triumph are the true heroes. They achieve their goals with dignity and self-respect. The portrayal of Mark Zuckerberg in the film's ending shows him as a man who has billions but no friendships. Money can't buy you happiness.

I agree that Facebook along with other networking sites and even text messaging have been revolutionary. However, they have enabled us to communicate without ever speaking or looking at another human being. People isolate themselves at their computers and lose all of their social/people skills. For an up-and-coming entrepeneur, I would advise you to observe portrayals of businessmen like Zuckerberg before beginning your business ventures. Keep yourself grounded and never forget where you came from or who shaped you along the way. Maintain integrity and dignity in every decision. You will be admired and respected more when you achieve your goals in the right way.

Issue #8

I have been searching for a part-time job for over a year. With advice from family and friends, I decided to search for a job with either a bank or credit union. By searching the Fidelity Bank website, I discovered my specific job opening of a part-time teller position at the North Rock Walmart branch. I have not decided where I would like to work after graduation. Banking is an option I am considering. For someone starting out, I would recommend looking at the classifieds/want ads in the newspaper, searching company websites or using the hire-a-shocker program on the WSU website.

A major obstacle I faced was not having enough or specific experience. However, if you are never given a chance, how are you supposed to ever gain that much-needed experience? It is a vicious cycle. I can overcome this obstacle by persevering in my job search and trying to find specific jobs within the customer service realm. I have 9 months of previous customer service that would be an asset in the job application process.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Issue #8

I chose the job I did because I am an accounting major, and figured that an accounting internship would be a good place to start job wise. This type of job is not exactly the type of job I am looking for, but i realize that to get anywhere in life, you have to start somewhere. As long as I get my foot in the door, it is a plus, and its going to lead me to my future goals of finding a good job in the accounting field. I found this job listing in the Wichita Eagle. It was actually a accounting assistant at Newman University, but it was posted in the Eagle with directions on how to apply. Some advice that I would give out, when looking for a job, is never be satisfied. If there is a particular job that you want, keep going at it, while applying at other places, but never stay complacent. Some obstacles that i found when applying, was my lack of job expertise in the accounting field. I can overcome these steps, by finishing my college career and continuing to stay motivated and find a good internship.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Factors In Recruiting Students to a College or University

This study is slightly outdated but it helps focus on some of the key factors that contribute to successful recruiting.

Topic # 8

I chose my specific job because the company was recommended to me by someone who works in their accounting department. The position is an accounting intern and hopefully will lead to a direct job with the company. At the very least, the summer internship will be nice to have on a resume for future job applications. I found the position on the company website. I would advise job seekers to look on the individual company websites. These jobs are often not featured on websites like Monster or Careerbuilder. If you limit your search to websites like those, you are missing a huge hidden job market. The obstacles I faced when applying were mainly lack of experience and lack of upper division accounting courses. A high GPA and professional resume will hopefully help to overcome these obstacles.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Topic #10

Why change, and why change in this way? Let's say McDonald's came to you for advice on how to go about this change - what would you tell them? What issues need directly addressed for the switch to work? If you're sick of talking about McDonald's, what are some other companies attempting to change their image, what are some examples of past successes and failures to do something similar to this, and what would you tell those other companies if they asked for your feedback

Why Change? Clearly corporate felt it important to revamp their image. Frankly, downplaying the clown is a great idea as many people fear or dislike clowns. The new colors are softer, more muted. New healthier menu items keep McDonald's on the leading edge of a fast moving business.

We have one of the new versions of McDonald's in Derby. The old one was torn down and a brand new one was built. I love it! The interior is nice. The colors are warm and friendly. I like the "zones", provides options for customers based on their needs or wants. As a bonus, it does have wi-fi and two drive through lanes and is open 24/7. Maybe its just me. but the service and food seem to be better at the new improved McDonald's. I have an older one closer to me, but I'd rather drive to the newer one for a better food experience.


Topic #12

1. Brian's story seems like he just got really lucky in the businesses he got involved in. Didn't seem like he did much research on the companies until he was already into them. Seems to me, the entrepreneur that is serious on opening and keeping a business successful would do a ton of research BEFORE starting one. Not to mention, he seemed to have no idea that his first restaurant business would be so time consuming - however, if he had done the research beforehand, he would have known that. I'd like to open my own Accounting Firm one day. However, I will be getting experience in the field and doing a ton of research on the area I am in, the needs the prospective customers will have, etc.

2. I think he would need experience in the businesses he was interested in. Checking prices, needs of prospective customers, developing a budget, etc. Seems like he just "winged it" on all of his businesses. I don't think I'd do things even close to the same way as Brian did. More work needs to be done before investing in and purchasing even an existing business. Even more than that needs to be done before starting a business from the ground up.

3. If Brian did more research and work than was shown in the article, it should have been mentioned. He didn't need to go into details, but just saying he did it would have made sense. Seems like Brian tried to make like running a business was easy and that anyone could do it.

4. Research, research and more research should be done before striking out on a business venture. There are so many resources available to help you get started. For instance, the Small Business Administration will help you, many branches offer seminars and classes to the public.

Topic #8

I chose the job I did for my resume and cover letter, because its a job that works for me now. It had flexible hours and was part-time. Another benefit is the pay also wasn't bad and had room for growth in the company. However, I don't think I'd keep the job after graduation. I'd definitely want full time and more pay. Also, we plan on moving back to Texas by the time I graduate. How did I find the job? I just did an internet search for part-time accounting jobs in Wichita, Kansas. The advice I offer to other job seekers. Even if you don't fit all of the qualifications, apply for the position anyway. I found that employers usually list the optimal qualifications, where it says minimum qualifications. I was writing a job ad for a former employer (to replace an old employee), when that concept was explained to me by my boss. I have always gotten every job I applied for, so go for it. What have you got to lose?

Topic # 12

I think Brian Busick's story is very interesting and quite inspiring. I have always dreamed of one day running my own business and it is always interesting to me to read about others who have built up their own business. I believe the financial knowledge Brian gained through working at the bank and as a CFO really helped him understand the financial side of running his own business. His experience as an owner of a resturant really helped him see opportunity in the food industry. I believe it is essential when starting your own business to stick to what you know. I would love to start up a business but would definently choose an industry that I have knowledge around. As the business gets bigger, communication and writing skills become more and more important.

Topic #10

I believe that the changes McDonalds is implementing are good for the consumer, since McDonalds will now offer its customers more of a blend of a fast food resturant with a coffee shop. However, if you were a franshisee of McDonalds, I believe this new change would bring about lots of frustration and resistance. Since the franshisee is ultimately the one who has to pay for the renovations, the McDonalds franshise really gets to enjoy the benefit without footing the bill. If I were to give advice to the McDonalds franshise, I would tell them they need to offer some sort of financial assistance to their franshisees in order to assist them in the renovation project. As the renovations stand now, many of the franshisee feel as if they are being forced to make changes they ultimately oppose and pay for them on their own.

Topic #8

I chose the position of Accounting Intern at Koch Industries. I chose this specific job because I am studying Accounting and would love to get some experience in the field. I grew up working on a farm and being outdoors, so I would really like to experience a Corporate type job before I fully commit to an Accounting major. I found this position on the Koch Industries, Inc. website as a job posting. One hurdle I did run into is the fact that I really only have taken a few upper level accounting classes and Koch really likes to see as many of these classes on your transcript as possible. I was able to overcome this obsticle in getting an interview by having a high GPA.

Issue #12

Brian Busick’s is not only making money for himself but he is helping these private schools out. I admire his ambitions, and hard work. I would love to build a business, but accounting is not one of my strong suits and I think that is important to have a handle on as a business owner. I would never go into the food business, but have always thought of opening my own bar. There are so many things that go into building a business and I have zero interest in the extra-added stress that goes into it. I would love to have that drive to want to build a business but there is too much that goes into it. Having ideas is one thing, but actually doing them is another. Possibly one day I will decide to go down that road. Today, I will sit back and work for others.

Issue #8

I am currently a middle school basketball coach in Haysville. I want to further my coaching career and move to the high school or collegiate level. Thus, I choose a High School coaching position in another state and town. This will give me the opportunity to widen my scope on coaching. I went to an out of state school district and looked at their employee openings. This was easy to do because every district posts their opportunities directly on their website. I feel as though my lack of experience will keep me from getting this job. I have only coached for two years and it has been at the middle school level. Therefore they will see this as a weakness. I can get more years of experience and then reapply somewhere else if this keeps me from reaching my ultimate goal. I do not want to coach forever, but it is a strong passion of mine currently.

I encourage those who are looking for jobs to search online first. This will give you a broad range of openings in your area. With the new advancements in the technology world, most businesses are moving to online advertising. It is important to check openings daily and have your resume and cover letter already prepared electronically.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Issue #8

The type of job I listed on my resume was a position in the federal government as an intern. I would only want this job temporarily to gain experience. I found this position through networking, as well as, using the internet to help me find out more information about any open positions. If another person was looking for advice about job searching I would tell them that networking is important, but not essential. It always helps to know people because they can put in a good word for you. Other ways of finding jobs that I would recommend would be the internet and classified ads. The steps to getting a position which is sought out by others would be to make a cover letter and resume that showcases your abilities and strengths, so that whoever is hiring will choose you.

Nikki Nguyen

Issue #8 Nikki Troyer

I choose this job because I want to become a probation officer and being an assessor would give me a great start to achieving that goal. I wouldn't mind having this job now and then after my graduation in May of 2012 i would love to be promoted to probation officer.I found this job through co-op that is offered through WSU. My advice for anyone who is looking or starting out in co-op is to have patience and don't depend on getting a job right away. Co-op helps as much as they can but the job market right now is not looking for to many college students to fill their payrolls. The problem that I found was that my school schedule was not open to the jobs that were listed. I wish all jobs listed hours and those hours were totally nailed down. Job searching is difficult just be persistant and call them before they call you to show that you care.

Issue 8

The job opening that I selected came from a search on Careerbuilder.com. After searching through most of the accounting jobs, it is the one that I felt best suited my needs. The company is a well established heavy equipment producer that has been located in Wichita for decades. What is appealing to me is that it was not some big firm that treats people like a number. When I went to their website it was very apparent that they realize that their employees are their number one asset and treat them as such. In the future I would really enjoy working for a company like them, I think that the work would be very interesting, and would be something that not everyone that graduates from WSU is trying to do. Working for a place that is not like everyone else is a quality that is very important to me, and I hope that I become fortunate to work for one of those types of companies.

Issue #9

Why all the hype about "The Social Network"? Well thats pretty simple in my opinion; Any marriage between the most popular website for anyone who hasn't though about the need for a solid 401K, and Hollywood is bound to be a hit! I don't think the film is this generations "Wall Street". Although it did revolve around an entrepreneurial revolution, it was an entertainment piece used by Sony to capture their own revenues on the lucrative Facebook name. In comparison, "Wall Street" which launched the greed is good revolution was a staple for any coke sniffing, capitalism worshiping go getter of the 80's. The film was perfectly timed with the nations new business attitude and I don't believe that is representative of "The Social Network". Now what came of that revolution is exactly what fueled the negative portrayal of Zuckerberg. The american public has grown sick of the rich getting richer and have begun to foster a great deal of discontent towards the dog eat dog mentality that fostered our great economic growth. Although this mentality is not the only way to success, as the son of a former Forbes small business man of the year and as someone with an entrepreneurship degree I can certainly say it doesn't hurt. The problem arises because this attitude is not synonymous with with ideas of financial and social equality that are more prevalent in todays generation. People struggling to pay their bills every month are quite discontent with the idea of executives parading around in seven figure G6 private jets although they fail to acknowledge the millions of jobs that are created by the companies these men and women run. I believe this attitude is what has fostered increased legislation which is putting a choke hold on the raw capitalist soul that this country has to thank for a good majority of its prosperity. In summary, greed is good; Greed fosters innovation, innovation fosters growth, growth creates the jobs you want to pay your bills. "The Social Network" chooses to shed a negative light on Zuckerberg, I don't see Facebook's millions of users complaining no matter what his true motivations were. Who cares if someone gets a huge piece of the economic pie if they are creating an exponentially bigger pie they can share with those below them.

Issue #10

McDonald's is trying to make a change that almost all businesses eventually try to. They've gotten into a rut when it comes to their customer base, so they are attempting to tweak their design to attract new customers and ultimately increase their profits.
I'm just not sure that by changing the exterior and interior, they will really bring in new people. The people that don't frequent McDonald's don't like the food, rather than not liking the atmosphere. However, since McDonald's has been going through a slight re-invention of their menu, this coupled with their renovations could be enough to convince some people to try out the 'new' McDonald's again, and give them another chance.
One thing is for sure: they will never be able to achieve the style of Starbucks. I don't necessarily think they should, though. They are a different breed of restaurant than Starbucks, and I think McDonald's should keep it that way.
The biggest problem that I see McDonald's facing with this renovation process is the issue of connecting their new look with their menu. They don't have a traditional coffeehouse menu, so I don't think that should be what they advertise their new look as. It needs to be more of creating a comfortable atmosphere to come in and sit down to eat. Most people use McDonald's as simply a fast food restaurant, so recreating their image to also include inside dining more could make a huge difference in their customer base and customer habits.

Issue #8

I chose the particular sales job I did primarily based on the background research I began to do on the posting. The job was offered by Yellowbook and although the specific job was like many others, the company offering it seemed to take a unique stance with how they treated their employees and what characteristics they valued in prospective employees. The company was very concerned about fostering their employees growth within a quickly changing industry. They were very focused on training and the employees potential rather than solely relying on past experience. I found this job on CareerBuilder.com, but this is not the type of job I will be seeking after graduation as I would hope to get on with an accounting firm although sales have always interested me.

Some of the best advice I could give to someone who is just starting their search would be to research the companies your applying to. The information you learn in this process should help you shape your resume and more specifically your cover letter which will make you seem like an ideal candidate if you use language similar to the companies values ad mission. This would probably also be one of the best ways to over come a lack of experience as well because you will really stand out. Also, try to relate other activities you participate in and the skills needed to excel at those to the skills required to excel at the job in question.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Issue #9

I think that most successful businesses are started by people similar to Mark Zuckerberg. That doesn't make them, or him, bad people, just people with strong goals and strong personalities. The "Greed is Good" concept does apply here, since entrepreneurs are what keep our economy alive. They are the ones that create successful businesses that employ people, and keep the flow of money in constant circulation. Mr. Zuckerberg is simply getting this negative image attached to him because his company, Facebook, is widely known and used- definitely a 'revolution', so he is being thrown into the spotlight.
Society wants to see popular, successful people as perfect beings. They just need to understand that no one is perfect, and people like Mark Zuckerberg are just like them and may make less than desirable decisions sometimes. I think it also has to do with jealousy; people are jealous of someone who is more successful than them and make more money, so they want to find something to use against him to make him less than great. This is also probably why he's been sued so often: people want his money, so they come up with excuses why they should have it. His recent philanthropy shows he is not in this just for the money, and that he genuinely wants to change (or 'revolutionize') the way the world communicates.

Issue #8

I had the opportunity to go through the Accounting Interview Days with the Career Services and Cooperative Education offices this fall. Being a sophomore, I'm not prepared for an internship this spring, but I was interested in getting to know the firms a little more for later down the road. So, I wrote my résumé and cover letter for an interview with BKD (an accounting firm in Wichita) next fall, based on the experiences I had with them this fall in the Accounting Interview Days. I would love to have an accounting position with a firm like BKD when I graduate. Since I plan on getting my Masters of Accountancy and sitting for the CPA, this job is exactly what I would be aiming for.
My advice for the job search process would be to use Career Services and Cooperative Education. These offices are incredibly helpful; they will help you make your résumé perfect, do a mock interview with you so you're prepared for questions employers could ask you, and help you find available positions to apply for.
The biggest obstacles I've encountered in the application process is that I don't have experience in accounting positions. I only have my classroom knowledge and my involvement in WSU's accounting fraternity. To overcome this problem, I think it's important to show that you possess the qualities the company's looking for, and that you've researched them to prove you're interested.