Monday, November 8, 2010

Issue 7

It is obvious that we are living in an age of 24/7 news cycle, where after awhile there is a need to create story lines to keep up the constant news stream. Krystal Ball is merely a victim of what society is today. It used to be that we could get all of the information that we needed about current events from the newspaper or the nightly news. Now we have this insatiable hunger for news that we do not really care where we get it from, or how relevant it really is. As far as Ball goes, the picture was something that happened six years ago which would have put her at age 22. How many people when they are in their early twenties have not done something that in later years they come to regret?
There are certain things about our political candidates that we do need to know about, but how they behaved at a Christmas party at a private home years ago is not one of them. The problem does not necessarily fall to the fact that we are a "viral" society, the problems lies within ourselves. Why do we feel the need to find laughter in other people's lives. It really seems to me that it is not the media that is the problem, it apperas that we are a people who are, in effect, bored. Anyone that does not have anything better to do than to post pictures or videos of people doing less than desirable things on the internet, needs to change their hobby. Plant a tree, read a book, volunteer at a soup kitchen, basically just do something that makes society better, not worse.

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