Monday, November 29, 2010

Issue #10

Yes, I am a little sick of talking about McDonald's, so I am going to talk about a company that I never get tired of talking about, Wal-Mart. Recently our friends at Wal-Mart figured out that they didn't exactly have the greatest of corporate images, so they kicked the smiley face to curb, and set out for a new, shinier, happier Wal-Mart. They have gone with a strategy to tell the masses about all of the energy efficient changes that they have made as a company, and if you shop in their stores, you are actually making the planet better. Nevermind the fact that they consistently pay their employees a substandard wage, and probably would have continued on with their pollution spree if they hadn't figured out that saving energy is actually making them even more money. I think that they are probably winning over new customers with their new approach, but until they show this consumer that they are actually caring for their employees, vendors, and truly giving back to the communities that they have bullied their way into, there will never be a reason for me to set foot in anyone of their stores.

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