Thursday, October 14, 2010

Issue #6

While the use of a positive tone in online communication is certainly helpful, I wonder how easy it is to convey real emotion to the customer when sending out business messages, and not just a facsimile of personal interest. The act of injecting positive flourishes into business or commercial communication reminds me of the phenomenon of the "Professional Smile" David Foster Wallace touches on in his essay "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again". The Professional Smile is something we've all seen: it's the kind we see on virtually everyone in the retail or service industry, the kind of incomplete half-smile we all use in family photos to convey a sense of happiness or well-being manufactured for the appeasement of others (I've taken liberties with the description). The reflective knowledge of this expression's disingenuousness is what Wallace implicates as a source of despair (his word, not mine) for many individuals, while adding that an employee's lack of a Professional Smile can also create despair because we so often tend to conflate the Smile with inherent professionalism in the person smiling (hence the name) and feel slighted if we don't receive one. I understand the drive to create professional-looking messages, and I also understand the value of appeasing the customer with positive writing, but I could not help thinking of the desperate catch-22 of the Professional Smile and its implications while reading Gaertner-Johnson's articles. Maybe I'm overthinking the issue when I refer to the Professional Smile, but I still believe that effective communication is possible without engineering a positive tone.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Issue# 6. Being positive and personal.

I agree with this article, as I too have found my position on a product changed due to the positive and personal nature of the advertising. Recently I experienced hail damage to my roof (all the houses in my area did) and was flooded with fliers, pamphlets, and letters from professional (and sometimes semi-professional) contractors offering free inspections. Some were very impersonal, listing only a phone number and no address. The companies I eventually chose to consider all were forthcoming with information: company name, address, phone number, years in business. In addition to this, the best printed advertisements included handwritten names and phone numbers of specific company contacts and a statement regarding their willingness to help with my problem.

The fact that this note was written on probably every ad mailed made little difference to me, as it still instilled this company in my mind as one that is personal, local, and friendly.

Blog #6 (Issue #10)

I agree with the idea that if a company relays information in an exciting and positive way, you are more likely to be excited and enjoy whatever it is they are trying to get you to do or buy. Much like IX Web Hosting did.

There are many things in life that we all dread doing. Somethings we don't like doing because we don't understand it, because it's time consuming, or because it's just one of those things that nobody gets excited about doing. But if someone, whether it be a company, friend, parent, coach, whomever found a way to make it more exciting or explained it in an exciting way; then the task on hand would be or seem more enjoyable.

It is very important for companies to you the audience-centered approach. For instance, infommercials. I will be the first to admit that I am a sucker for infommercials. They always find a way to make everything seem so easy for ME to do. They explain how much time and money I will save, as well as explaining all of the beneifits for ME. If more companies used the audience-centered approach, they may have a better turnout for sales, customers, or even for positive reviews and feedback.

All in all, you really can't go wrong with using the audience centered approach because the customers are generally the most important aspect to a comany's success.

-Ashley Grubb

Issue # 6

I have read both of your articles on the aspect of IX Web Hosting e-mail. I completely agree with your point about writing positive to customers, and help customers think positively. The company think more about their customers, the customers would more likely to interest in the company's products or services. From my experience, when I receive an email which is addressed to me, I would feel more happy than those mass emails are addressed to " value customer". If the email is personalized, the company would have more chance to get feedbacks from their customers. Also, the audience-centered message makes customer readers feel more comfortable. Therefore, the company will have higher customer service ruputation. As a result, to get a higher profit. In a word, it is always nice to use audience-centered approach to write a business message.
I strongly agree with Lynn. In this day and age, not using personalized communication when it is relatively easy to employ seems foolish and downright lazy. There is substantial competition for consumers and getting their attention can be difficult, their loyalty even more so. A message that lacks a personalized salutation or is written using boring technical terms and negative tones is more likely to be headed to the trash bin. In that case, the message or communication is reduced to a wasted effort.
I feel that Ms. Johnson did a good job expressing her emotions and discussing what she truly believes is useful. I can agree that using mass emailing is very helpful for I have had to do so to set up meeting times and schedules for multiple people, but no matter what server a person has, it is going to be frustrating and/or time consuming. I think it is hard to make a mass email that is not impersonal because you have to remember that you are writing an email for multiple people and not just one person.

Issue #6

To some extent, I do agree with Lynn on the aspect of customer's wanting to receive personalized messages from companies as opposed to the template letter that they send out to every "valued customer." However, in most scenarios, it is virtually impossible to personalize EVERY single message to an individual. Lynn stated that she puts the subscribers names on any message she sends out. Even when I get mail that does have my name on it, within the first few sentences I can tell whether or not it was really written just to me or not. Generally I would just toss it out after the first paragraph.

Lynn's web hosting site sent her the personalized message describing her situation and how they were changing her pricing and plan. This was an awesome example of personalized messaging, yet very unreasonable. I'm sure more people than just Lynn needed to change their plan, so it can be guaranteed the company did not write that letter specifically for her. It would be much more costly for a company to have to hire someone to write individual personalized messages to each customer. That is just simply unrealistic!

Issue #6

I totally agree with Lynne's points she made in her blog. I am much happier to receive mail from businesses when it has been personalized I know from my own experiences I am much more likely to read a letter with my name on it even if i know it is junk mail. Seeing my name on a letter or even putting Dear Valued Customer always makes me feel like I am really cared for. Saying thank you at the beginning of a costumer letter is also very important,you always want to let people know how much you appreciate them spending their money with your company. In these tough economic times knowing a business takes the time to show they care really makes a difference.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Issue 6

Personalized emails from companies is something that every business should try and do. When an individual receives an email that is somewhat personalized, It makes the person feel that the company actually cares about them. When someone sees an email and it says something like "dear valued costumer" it makes the person feel that everyone has received this email and, it makes the message seem less important. Even though personalizing a large number of emails may be time consuming to the company, the costumer will greatly appreciate it and will be more likely to respond to the message

Personalised Communication

As stated by Lynn Gaertner-Johnston in her article "Help customers think positively," she states that one can inspire a positive response to a customer by the way one communicates. I am in full agreement with the writer when she implies that the feedback given to a person, all depends on how the person used his means of communication and the word choice. Word choice plays a great role in defining a listeners attitude and mood towards the speaker. Attitudes and moods describe the feedback that one will receive at the end of the conversation. Word choice can also be divided into two categories, one that generalize actions, and the other that uses speifics when communicating. Specific words in word choice make a message more personalised. An audience is prone to give a better and more positive feedback when the message conveyed is directed and just meant for a specific person in the audience. The specific words create a feeling of importance in the minds of the audience. It makes the audience feel special and understood. Therefore, the only way a company can get a positive outcome from the customers is by communicating in a more personalized tone.

Issue 6 JParker

When I read both articles I thought that Ms. Lynn made valid points and had alot of evidence supporting her statements. With increases in our technology it is getting easier to send mass emails, letters, and memos that are personalized. Positive writing can also greatly influence the responses and reactions customers have when reading any form of literature.

When sending mass messages each recipitent can get a custom letter by connecting certain databases with proper links. This can greatly improve customer responses and make the recpitant feel as though the sender cares about them. This type of self confidence boost can make or break business decisions and can effect the way certain customers feel about a topic. Positive writting can also effect a customers attitude. Ms. Lynn made great points when she pointed out the words most companies would have used in that situation. They way you words a message can change the meaning and tone drastically.

Personalized Emails #6

I enjoyed reading your blog entry entitled, “Personalizing a Mass Mailing- Yes You Can!” This was an interesting blog to me because it ties into a great deal of what we have been discussing in my English 210 class. Every mass email I receive, I know right off hand whether I am going to take the time to read it or not. Many I can tell by the subject heading alone, or the first few sentences. If a company wants my attention they need to use my name and customize an email specifically to the needs of “me,” not others as well.

I worked for a company a few years back that held events for many different groups at the same time. We had to send mass emails out to each group explaining details of the event and my boss demanded we send the same email to every group. He even required us to send the same thank you responses to each group. At the time I did not realize why I never received much feedback. Now understanding personalized emails and audience-centered approach I get why my emails were never appreciated. It is key to directly thank each person in a personalized way. Doing so, more of a respect will be gained and they will be more likely to work with you in the future.

blog 6

I agree with Lynn Gaertner-Johnston, on both issues she discusses. With today’s technology it is a must to use people’s names when addressing them. Even if they have not given you their name, it is usually easy to access it through various databases and their email account. On the other hand, most companies are starting to follow this approach and consumers are very aware that these are automated messages, even if they try to add specific details. Consumers are also attentive to the fact the business are selling their information to third parties that address them by name, trying to cajole them into buying various ‘necessities.’

Helping customers have a positive perception is becoming more and more important. There have been various studies conducted that show a positive correlation between the types of words used and customer satisfaction. For example, InterContinental Hotel chains prohibit their employees from saying words such as “no problem,” as both words have a negative connotation, instead they are encouraged to use words such as “certainly,” and “my pleasure.” This is true in any medium, as well as any industry. The old rule “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it,” proves to be effective virtually all the time!

Issue #6

This topic is very similar to my job as well. I also send out monthly emails to over 800 clients. We use a system called "eRelationship" that includes a database of over 800 client's email addresses and personal information. Each email that is sent is addressed to the client personally and gives them a chance for instant feedback after they read the email. Each month the format of the email changes and keeps things new and fresh. This is done so the reader doesn't get bored and delete the message before even giving it a second look. I agree, that the way to avoid making a person feel like they are reading the same message that hundreds of others are, is to make them feel that the message is intended for only their eyes.

Blog assignment 6

I think when a person recieves an impersonal forward they are very likely to ignore it but making it personal makes them feel better about reading it. It especially makes the person recieving the email want to read it when it is positive. If there is a more personal aspect to it, then it may be easier for the reader to want to respond or comply with whatever the sender is asking or telling them. I know I dislike recieving emails sent out to the masses, and I automatically delete them if it doesn't have a personal feel.
When someone receives an imersonal message they are more likely to discard it. If a mass email is sent out and there is nothing to make it personal toward you, more then likely it will end up in the trash folder. The purpose of a mass email is to reach a large audience in a short time but with that must come something to show each individual is equally important. Time is precious and many bulk emails get trashed and the only way to ensure your mass email will not be discarded is to personalize it.

personalized emails

I agree that personalizing your emails or letters to massive amounts of people is very useful. As Lynn said that by personalizing your emails you are able to put the reader in a positive mindset. This allows you to convey the information in an easier manner. You want to make the customer or the reader feel important, not make them feel like there are ten thousand other people who just got the same email. The reader should feel good about reading the message, although, Lynn your message about the IX Web Hosting was most likely sent out to numerous other people who had been with the company for 6 years and had the same criteria as you had. So even though it seemed like it was personalized towards just you, it probably wasn't.

Good news with the bad...

In your article you state "The next time you write to a customer, make it your business to help your reader feel good about your message." This is true on so many different levels. I agree with this whole heartedly. Not only should you use this tactic when writing positive messages but also when relaying negative. It goes along with our text in using buffers to ease the reader into the bad news. Any time someone is told bad news it is best to "sugar coat" the situation as best as possible. It's always nice to get some good information with every bad in life.

Issue 6

I agree that personalizing mass e-mail messages is very important. Often times, companies forget how meaningful a personal message can be to customers. By personalizing mass mailings, you let the reader know that you truly care about them on more than just a professional level. Also, readers tend to pay more attention when it is a positive, personal approach, opposed to a generalized approach. While it may take added effort for a company to personalize, I think the it would be appreciated by the customers.

Issue #6

I agree that you should personalize a mass mailing. This makes customers feel more important and makes them more likely to react the way you anticipate. Yes, it takes added effort, but the customers realize this and appreciate the personalization. Occasionally, I have to send out letters to customers for my job. I write each customer individually because I know I will get more response then if I sent out a generic letter.

In class we have been discussing buffers for letters. The example in the blog was a great buffer. Had I received a letter beginning vague and unfriendly I would not have read it and assumed it was junk mail. The way that Mr. Said began his letter was a perfect buffer to get customers to continue reading. He started out by thanking them and creating a friendly tone before breaking the bad news to them. This is exactly what a good buffer is supposed to accomplish.

Issue #6

How information is displayed and phrased is important. Ask any salesperson about this and you should be able to find out who is successful and who is not. The everyday person does not want to be bored with technical jargon and useless information. We want to know how its better, in a summarization, or the highlight version. So using key words or phrases as "benefits" and keeping the audience centered approach is key in any and every customer relation.

Issue #6 "Helping Customers Think Positively"

You make it sound like the email from IX Web Hosting is unique to you. Think of it this way, every other customer that received an email from IX Web Hosting received one just like yours only instead of your name, it is their own.
Each of the emails generally have a basic structure to where only a customer's information is inserted. Emails are nowhere near personal and the basic structure the company has for the email is to get customers to want more or feel more "positive" about the company as a whole.

S. Houston

Issue #6

I completely agree with you that word choice and making the audience feel good about what you are trying to get across is important. It would be extremely hard to get someone excited about something with only facts and features and not mentioning the benefits in a tantalizing fashion. Using words such as "benefits" will add to the readers intrigue and will help you make an impact with your message. In my experience with writing to anyone whether it be good or bad news, word choice was the main thing I would focus on. If I used the wrong words then my whole message would be a waste of time if the audience does not get my tone. I absolutely agree with you Lynn. Thank you for posting this.

Troy Cook

Help Customers Think Positively

Lynn addresses the critical points for communication with the customer. She states that the personalization was not the only strong point of the message; the email that she had received was also a great example of relaying positive feelings to the customer. Lynn clearly states what she likes about the message and does a good job making me see the merit of the email even though I have not read it. I will be sure to experiment with this knowledge and hopefully will relay positive thoughts to the recipients of my messages.

Issue #6 Nichole Troyer

"Personalizing a Mass Mailing- Yes You Can!". I really enjoyed this entry because it just verified what we have been discussing in the classroom. Personalizing anything to a customer puts a smile in their heart because it shows them that you and your company cares about their customers not just the money. Especially with the online company showing her a new plan that is just like her existing plan along with the price was convenient and helpful. I have always had generic letters from companies except they just placed my name in the Dear part. For example WSU has a generic letter for every type of writing. Personalization is key to making the customer stay with your company and remain happy there.

Commenting on a Blog

I agree with various points in both of the articles. First, word choice greatly influences how a customer/reader reacts to a message. By using words like "benefits" or "upgrades" instead of just the generic "changes", the reader is more likely to react positively and read the entire message. Second, you must try to always personalize your messages to customers/readers. By personalizing your messages, customers feel valued and appreciated. This can be as simple as addressing your message to a customer by their name instead of "valued customer" and providing specific information relevant to them. In my highschool newspaper class, I was the advertising manager. With every adverstisement sold, I would send a personalized "thank you" letter. By taking time to write to each customer, I encouraged the customer's continued business with our newspaper. Customers or readers should always be treated in a professional manner, but they should also be treated like family or friends instead of just faces in the crowd.

Thinking Positivly and the "You" Centered Approach

After reading Lynn Gaertner-Johnson's blog entry about positive business messages I agree wholeheartedly with her opinion. Having been on the receiving end of a positive message I have almost always had a positive reaction to them and I believe that most people have similar attitudes about these types of messages. It is important to be positive in your messages and communication and to use the "you" approach as much as you possibly can when writing business messages. Gaertner-Johnson discusses in her blog about her web host emailing her to inform her about the wonderful upgrades and improvements that would be soon coming out for the hosting infrastructure and how this would benefit her as well. She said in her blog that she never thought in her life that she would care at all about the infrastructure of a web hosting site. However, the positive language that the company used made her enthusiastic and she eagerly wondered what these improvements would be like. Being positive in all communication to customers is very important in large and small matters. This is a good example of how using positive language makes everyone in the end happy: the customers and the companies.

Talking Shock: Issue #6 (Due 10/4)

First off, I think in general this world has become very negative. It was very refreshing to read Lynn’s posting on help customers think positively. Lynn’s specific examples were helpful in understanding what to do and say to create a positive tone. I personally feel I struggle using positive word usage in my everyday email I sent to employees. Lynn’s position on making your customers feel good about your message really encourages me to make every composition I write positive, upbeat, and sincere. Lynn has helped me understand turning a negative email around into a positive tone will help employee moral, self motivation, and the feeling of self worth. I am excited to use this tactic with future emails and see the results it brings.

In Lynn’s blog ,“Personalizing a Mass Mailing” I now understand why it is so important to address each customer as so, individually. I use mass mailings with my job at the bank and this gave me a very good perspective of how it makes the customer feel, valued and important to the company. After all, in the banking industry if it wasn’t for our customers I would not have a job. These easy to read examples will benefit not only myself as a writer, it will benefit my employees, and most importantly of all the customers.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Issue #6

I think that Ms. Gaertner-Johnson gives a very interesting perspective in her blogs.
I especially like the blog about personalizing mass mailings. I feel that this is extremely important and truly makes the customer feel valued. Way too many companies, schools, etc. don't take the time these days to truly get to know their audience. Instead, they seemed to be focused on more money, more people, and so forth. In my opinion, when companies take time out of their day to personalize emails, it truly makes a world of difference and will eventually get them more customers, it may just take more time. It is much harder to gain a new customer than to keep an existing one, and personalizing mass mailing is a great way to do this.
In the entry about helping customers think positively, I agreed with most of the points that Johnson has to make. It is important to use positive, audience centered words and phrases in order to keep the interest. However, I feel that in some cases, companies use fluffy words and phrases to the extreme, and it eventually is no longer genuine-sounding. However, the issue is important, I just believe that many times, everything is better in moderation.

Issue #6

When a mass message is impersonal and indifferent it makes it hard for you to feel like you really matter to whoever sent it. Unless there are negative implications to not replying to the e-mail, you are likely to ignore it because you feel this way.

Now we make exceptions all the time and reply to impersonal messages. But there are special emotions that come with receiving a personal message. You feel obligated to respond to the sender because you get the impression that the person genuinely is interested in hearing back from you. When this happens you are more eager to prioritize a response to the sender. If you don’t get a personal message you feel as though, even if you did respond it wouldn’t mean much.

The classic example of this would be when someone misses a day of class, and send out a mass e-mail to everyone asking what class was about. The first thing that comes to mind is, “Someone probably already replied, and I don’t have time to do it if no one has replied yet”. If it was someone I knew or if they singled me out, my reaction would be totally different. But because they didn’t ask me personally, I don’t feel much of an obligation to respond.

Now, there are so many different scenarios that could play out differently, each would require different responses, but for the most part we enjoy attention. We like hearing our name and like it when someone takes the time to care about our opinion.

So next time you send out a mass “what happened in class?” message” keep this in mind.

Skeptic to Personalized Mass Mailings

I personally disagree with Lynn Gaertner-Johnston. Her two articles, "Help Customers Think Positively" and "Personalizing a Mass Mailing- Yes You Can!", make it sound like personalizing a message is quick, simple, and easy, when it is really the opposite.

The email she received from IX Web Hosting is, in my opinion, a poorly personalized message. Phrases that Gaertner-Johnston considers customer-oriented, such as "sincerely delighted" and "always happy to hear what you have to say," sound like overly done, fake emotions a company tells every customer to make them feel appreciated, when they really couldn't care less.

I believe that to make a truly effective personalized message, a company would have to get to personally know their customers. Without this element, it is exactly as the students in Lynn Gaertner-Johnston's business writing classes said, " is virtually impossible to personalize their mass mailings."

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Issue # 6

I recently received an email that used both aspects discussed on the blog. It was audience-centered and it was personalized.

I am a subscriber to Netflix and my latest DVD had not yet arrived. I hit the "report problem" link. Soon after, I received an email reply that focused on my needs. Did I want the same DVD? Did I want to pick a different one? Netflix has really tried to personalize what can normally be a very generic situation.

The advantages of audience-centered communications and personalized mass emailings should be obvious. The disadvantages are not as obvious. I have to assume that logistically it is not possible for some business' to communicate in that style.

Issue #6

Just reading your blogs, made we want to read the positive emails. They both sounded upbeat. I am surprised that companies these days would be so proactive using an email campaign. The wording was great! The words they used made me feel interested and involved. I'm sure that is the desired reaction they were hoping for. Although, I was not very impressed with the personalized mass mailing overall. It is really easy to do using Microsoft Word or Microsoft Publisher. I was much more impressed by the email using the "you-centered audience" approach. You just don't see businesses (or people in general) use it very often.. It seems like many businesses are getting away from a customer-centered approach to business and focusing on the bottom dollar instead. It is refreshing to see a company using an audience centered approach toward their customers.

Friday, October 8, 2010

I strongly agree with Lynn on both of her entries. In order to get a positive response from the audience you have to provide information as to how it is beneficial to them. Also, readers tend to pay more attention when it is a positive-based approach opposed to a negative approach.

Personalizing mass mailings is a wonderful idea. You let the reader know that you truly care by taking the time to find out about his/her current situation. Not only do you address it to the specific audience member, but you add specific information that is focused specifically on this one members business with the company. That lets the reader know that you truly do care about their business. I have had the opportunity to use personalized mass mailings at my current employment. We send out letters every year for our annual charity event and instead of using “To Whom This May Concern” or “Valued Sponsor”, we address it to each individual specifically. After the event, we address each sponsor in our follow-up letter and include information based off of each sponsors specific donation. We currently use publisher for our personalized mass mailings.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Issue #6 (Due 10/4)

Commenting on a Blog

Now that you have had practice writing your own blog entry, it is time to practice commenting on someone else's blog.  Lynn Gaertner-Johnston writes a blog about business writing, and she has posted quite a few entries on what we have discussed as "audience centered communication". For this blog entry, please take a look at Gaertner-Johnson's entries entitled "Help Customers Think Positively" and "Personalizing a Mass Mailing- Yes You Can!" and construct a comment discussing, replying to, or arguing with one or more aspect of the article(s). You only have to respond to one article, but you might need to use both to generate enough content.

While constructing your comment, you might consider examples from the course or your own life that relate to the entries. Remember, you do not have to disagree with the author in order to comment. Rather you can reaffirm or expand on their points using your own words or experiences. You could also relate her entries to tips and/or terms you may have learned in class.


Traveling for work: How to ensure a fun and productive trip.

A lot of employees will be traveling this summer for sales, customer support, or other ventures. No matter why you're on the move, keep these tips in mind to make the most of your trip.

Drink plenty of water; being dehydrated can effect you emotionally as well as physically, damaging your appeal to customers.

Avoid carrying a lot of cash when traveling. Credit cards and traveler's checks can be replaced if lost or stolen.

Avoid travelling alone at night. This may make you an easy target for thieves.

Avoid accepting any food or drink from strangers. They may seem friendly, but their intentions aren't clear.

Travel light, packing only what you need for the trip. This will make it easier for you to move around your destination and save you time and money at the airport.

Have a safe and enjoyable time this summer.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Blog #5

Being part of Global Management means being part of a team that strives to make its employees as comfortable and safe as possible. Traveling is one of the most important parts of our company, but can also be very dangerous if certain precautions are not taken. I have provided a list of safety tips to encourage all of you to travel cautiously.

1. Make photocopies of your passport, ID, airline tickets, and any other forms of important documentation.

2. Always leave contact information for where you will be staying, as well as the duration of your stay with someone from home in case of emergency.

3. Bring a list of any and all prescriptions to ensure that you will be taken care of if need be.

4. Always travel with a map or some form of GPS. Also, keep your phone and/or GPS charged. Knowing where you are at all times is a very important part of being safe and feeling secure.

5. Leave all valuables at home to eliminat the chance of having them stolen. Also, carry credit/debit cards and avoid carrying a large amount of cash. Keep a small amount of cash on hand in case of emergency.

6. Travel light. Be sure that you can carry all of your luggage and bags without help. Allow yourself one hand free in case of emergency and keep all belongings in your possession.

By following these safetly tips, as well as using common sense, this will ensure that you will have a safe, secure, and comfortable trip. Always be sure to let your company know you arrived safely and check in periodically. Good luck.

-Ashley Grubb

Issue #5

Traveling is an integral part of our business practice, and we take great effort in protecting our employees while they are away from home. Included is a list of safe travel tips that all employees should be aware of in order to travel safely.
1. Take care of your home. If you are leaving your house empty, be sure to have an adequate security system. Have your neighbors pick up your newspapers and consider having sprinklers or lights set on a timer.
2. Protect you personal belongings. Keep an eye on your bags and never leave them unattended, especially if they are valuable such as a laptop. Keep hold valuables such as wallet or jewelry.
3. Rental Cars. Learn all controls of the car before driving it and keep doors locked and parked in a lit area to protect it from theft. Keep rental agreement concealed and if ever bumped by another car, signal the driver to a safe location, such as a police station.
4. Have a Map. Keep a map on you at all times to ensure you are not late to any important events such as business meetings. Have an idea where you need to go before leaving.
5. Don't leave personal information in your hotel room. Be sure to have personal information on. Hotel employees have been known to steal information about you or you company.
6. Have extra ID and credit card. Bring an extra form of id and credit card somewhere safe other than your wallet in case you lose your wallet or it is stolen.

Following these tips will ensure safe travel. You are the company's most valuable asset and we want you safe when you are away from home.

Travel Safety Tips

All of our employees should keep these things in mind when traveling for our company.

1. Carry proper identification with you at all times

2. Learn about the area you are going to before your trip

3. Always meet others in a public place

4. Try to not stand out as much as possible

5. Have a plan in case something does go wrong

6. Have a contact person who knows where you are and check in with them regularly while on your trip

All of these tips will keep you safe while traveling for any business trip. Your safety is most important to us above all.

Travel Sharp:Safety Tips for Employees

Every employee should keep the following in mind when travelling on behalf of the company:
  1. Take a proper idenification.
  2. Wear shoes that are easy to slip on and remove.
  3. Do not be late and do not overpack.
  4. Wear as little jewelry as possible since you will have to remove them at every security.
  5. Remeber laptop and other electronic devices will slow down and make you take a lot of time.
  6. Upon arrival go directly to bagguage claim and retrieve your belongings
  7. Never leave your bags lying unattended as this is a security issue.
  8. Most importantly, when in doubt ask any question to the airport staff to clarify the statements.

Issue #5 P-7 Bases on my experience: Recommending Your College or University

There are more than 4,000 universities in the United States; it is different for a student to make decision to choose an university. As an international student, I would like to recommend Wichita State University for you. There are some reasons I choose Wichita State University to pursue my higher education.
· Cost: The living cost in Wichita is lower than other cities of the similar size in the United States. Also because of WSU is a public university, the cost of attending to this school is lower than other universities.
· Safety: Wichita is one of the safest cities in the United States, and the people in Wichita are very friendly. The campus has its own policy department and all of the dorms have to use student identification card to access the main door.
· Facilities: WSU is a comprehensive university, which has six colleges, includes more than 220 majors and specializations. The University has a large library with over 1 million items. It has a large sports complex.
I am proud of to be a student of WSU, it is not only has a good study environment, but also has a comfortable living environment. I highly recommend this school to those prospective students

Monday, October 4, 2010

Comic-Con Concerns!

Comic-con is upon us and it is an event that should not be missed by any seasoned or aspiring fan of comics! Comic-con is an largest convention of its kind in the world, who's goal is to create awareness of and appreciation for comics and all their related art forms. At comic-con you will be able to experience artwork from thousands of exhibitors and explore how comics have influenced a wide variety of pop culture and entertainment media. What if you never saw yourself as the comic type? Don't let this scare you away. Comic-con is not just about adoration but also education and exploration. I highly recommend this experience for any of you out there interested in the media arts as a whole. Take a chance and gain an understanding of how comics have grown outside and within american pop culture. If nothing else Comic-con is sure to spark some great ideas for upcoming Halloween costumes and the experience will be entertainment enough. This year the non profit organization will hold its convention in beautiful San Diego at the San Diego Convention Center and is limited to 125,000 participants so hurry and register to ensure you don't miss your chance to experience comics in their purest form, and all the entertainment media that finds it's roots there in.

Traveling Safely

Traveling is an integral part of our company. Although traveling seems completely innocent, we must all use caution while we travel in order for us to be safe. I have compiled a list of some basic rules to follow while traveling.

1. Stay alert while traveling. This includes being aware of your surroundings and having a plan set before embarking on your travels.

2. Make sure you know where your valuables are at all times.

3. Be aware of where the nearest place is to get help in wore case situations. These places include
hospitals, police stations, fire departments, ect.

4. When at your hotel remain cautious. There many people in these hotels and some could be criminals.

These are just some of the rules that are necessary for safe travel but, do not limit yourself to these. You can never be too cautious!

Asim Sayed

Travel Director

Blog Entry #5

As winter gets closer we are reaching our high traveling season. I would like to take a moment to remind everyone, especially you newer employees, of some safety tips we hold very important within the company.

* Leave your personal credit cards at home. We will provide you with your company card and to minimize the risk of lost or stolen cards it is best to carry as few as possible.

* When leaving our company lectures and business meetings make sure to take off your badges upon leaving. Don't walk through the streets of unknown cities advertising who you are.

* When attending conferences or dinners in the evening make sure to park your rental car in well lit areas. It will be darker when you leave than when you came.

* Only used marked public transportation. We usually provide all employees with rental cars but given the event you use a bus or taxi make sure it is marked and reputable.

And of course, always go with your gut instinct!

Here at Global Management Inc. we strive to make your travel arrangements as safe and comfortable as possible. I have developed a list of the important travel tips to make travelling easier:

1. Register with the U.S. state department. They have the resources to contact you in a family emergency and to help if a crisis occurs where you are. You can register at:

2. We ensure your hotel is in a safe area, and recommend you stay within a 3 mile radius or only venture to highly populated, tourist areas.

3. Keep your passport in a secure location and only carry a copy.

4. Take precautions to avoid being a target of crime, do not wear conspicuous clothing or jewelry and do not carry excessive amounts of money. Also, never leave luggage unattended and do not accept packages from strangers.

5. While in a foreign country, you are subject to its laws. Therefore you must familiarize yourself with local conditions, (you will receive a packet with this information, please read it).

6. In an emergency, contact the U.S. embassy immediately. They are available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Their number is provided in the informational packet.

If you have any questions/comments/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am here for your travel needs, and as always, have a safe trip!

Eva Kurban

Travel Director

When you travel abroad, you need to take only what you are willing to lose. It has been proven to be foolhardy to carry a wallet or a purse in foreign countries where pickpocketing is prominent. Your best option is to blend in with the locals so as to not stand out as an easy target for theft. If you can imitate their dress, especially the native shoe wear, then you will have a better chance of going unrecognized as a foreigner. Keep your possessions in sight and you will not run the risk of losing them. Be smart and use common sense. Use these precautions and you can be assured that you can enjoy your trip with peace of mind.
It is my responsibility to inform you about travel safety tips, so you can make them part of your routine when traveling to ensure your safety and well being. Every employee in the company should be aware of these tips.

1. Always keep your luggage close, and use the company address on your luggage tag rather than your home address.
2. Don't flash costly electronics, jewelry, or clothing that would attract any attention.
3. Leave anything at home you don't absolutely need, such as your social security card or credit cards. Carry travelers checks.
4. If using a taxi, be sure it is marked as one.
5. Never share your travel plans with strangers. Not where your coming from, where your going, or how long you will be gone.
6. Try staying in well populated areas and avoid looking lost.
7. Carry a first aid kit with you, or keep a couple band aids with you in case of an accident.

Keeping these tips in mind will ensure your safety and a safe trip while having a good time.

Kelly Secrest
Travel Director

Talking Shock: (Due 10/4) Issue #5

There are six tips every employee should remember to reduce risk and stress while traveling. These traveling techniques will help maintain a comfortable smooth transition to where ever your travels take you:

1. Don't draw attention to expensive items such as jewelry or cameras.
2. Record the contents of checked luggage and carry valubales with you.
3. Keep your pocket book close to your body, or maintain your wallet in your front pocket, you could also wear a concealed money pouch.
4. Be wary of mishaps, like someone bumping into you or spilling a drink. They might be out to rob you.
5. Keep your eye on your bags at all times.
6. Don't leave your luggage unattended.

You can ensure a smooth transition by following these six simple steps.

WSU is the Place to Be!

Hello prospective students. I am here to tell you why I am proud to be a Wichita State Shocker. When I was in the process of selecting a college, it seemed pretty overwhelming. I wanted to go to a school where I knew that I would not be just a number, where professors actually cared about me, and where I could discover new interests by getting involved in campus activities. WSU has definitely fit the bill.
Although it is touted as a nontraditional school, WSU makes it easy to belong through its many campus clubs, through small class sizes, and even with its rich Greek traditions. From the very beginning WSU made it very easy to meet new people and to be able to network in my classes.
The professors here are excellent, and I truly feel that my successes are their successes. WSU is a great place to be, and has a feeling to it that goes beyond just sitting in a room and listening to a lecture, you really feel that the knowledge that you gain here will go on to impact the rest of your life.

Issue #5

Travel is an important part of our company. For your safety and well being the company would like to remind you of a few safety procedures that you should take caution to while traveling.

1) Carry important papers with you. Photocopy your passport, driver's license and credit cards.

2) Never list your home address on the luggage tag. If on business, put the company's address on the tag. Use covered luggage tags as well.

3) If you are traveling outside the country be sure your cell phone has service. If it does not, then consider renting one that does.

4) If possible, only bring one or two credit cards. No cash.

5) Be sure to have prescriptions filled before leaving. Some medicines are not allowed to be filled outside the country.

6) Always keep your luggage and personal belongings in your possession at all times.

With these tips and a little bit of common sense your travel experience should be great. Good luck and happy travels.

issue 5

Here are some travel tips to insure your saftey.

-Travel light and keep your luggage close at hand.
-When taking a taxi make sure it is clearly marked
-Never discuss travel plans with strangers
-Never take credit cards. Always keep travelers checks.
-Avoid looking lost, make sure your plans are well laid out and researched.
-Don't dress or act like a tourist. This will make you an any target

Jon Parker

Issue #5

Global Management on Traveling --

Because our company is based on international relationships, traveling is a must. As the travel director here at Global Management, I feel that it is my obligation to provide you with some helpful information on staying safe during your travels. With the nature of our business being overseas, there are some important tips that should be kept in mind:

1. Always stay with your luggage until it is checked in. Make sure that you keep our company address on the tags, and not your personal one.

2. When taking taxis, always use one that is marked. Sit behind the driver so that you can see him, but he cannot see you.

3. Do not bring any flashy jewelry or clothing that indicates wealth. This will make you a target, depending on where you are.

4. Never go out late at night without someone else. Even then, stay in well-lit and populous areas.

5. Keep all of your personal information with you at all times including your passport, driver's license, social security card, etc.

6. Do not carry large amounts of cash, and try to limit the number of credit cards you bring.

7. Bring a first aid kit with medicine, band-aids, etc. just in case.

8. In the event that you are traveling somewhere with high amounts of crime, or country turmoil, consider applying for a security escort. If you are extremely concerned about this, the company will provide one for you.

And finally, always be aware of your surroundings. If at any time you feel that you are in danger, do whatever possible to remove yourself from the situation.

Travel Safe Tips

Here are some travel safety tips that will make your trip more enjoyable:

1. Make sure that you don’t have identifying information showing on your luggage.

2. Don't tell strangers exactly where you’re coming from and where you’re going and for how long.

3. Avoid looking like a stranger to the area. Keep maps and guidebooks out of sight and only consult them in public areas.

4. Try not to flash costly electronic items, jewelry and cash as these attract attention from thieves.

5. Keep wallets out of sight and purses close to the body.

6. When staying in a hotel, get a safe so that you can take with you only what you need.

If you make these part of your travel routine you will have an even better time on your trip as it will reduce any worry about your safety. Travel safe and enjoy your trip!

Paula Cook
Travel Director
Global Management Consulting

Issue #5 - Comic-Con

The comic-con convention is an event that I would strongly recommend. The atmosphere is something most would never experience anywhere else. It is similar to Halloween for adults during summer. Comic-con is an event that has been around since the 1970's and is growing more and more popular every year. The first comic-con event hosted a couple hundred participants, and now it is rather common for over 120,000 people to show up every year. In recent years the convention has been very popular for seeing who the next big action hero will be. And if you are unable to make it to San Diego for this event, they are also held in New York and Baltimore.

Travel Tips

Here at Family Travel we look out for our customers. It is very important to travel safely especially if we have booked your trip for you. It is our number one goal to help you get to your destination with no problems. We have attached six helpful tips when traveling.

1.) Never write in too much detail your basic information. (Put your phone number instead of your address).

2.) Do not leave your itinerary in plain site.

3.) Keep luggage close, and travel light.

4.) Never take the elevator.

5.) Take only one or two credit cards if possible.

6.) Never get into a taxi that is not marked clearly.

We look forward to helping you more in the future. This should ease your stress and allow you to travel smarter.

Issue #5

Our company travels to different areas of the world quite frequently. Because of this, I have composed a list of tips that every one of you should keep in mind when traveling. Never list your home address on your luggage tag, instead, list our business address. Stay with your luggage until the luggage is checked. Carry important papers with you and never check anything that you cannot afford to lose. Bring along a basic first aid kit with bandages, iodine, and alcohol packets. You never know when you will be in the dark in unfamiliar surroundings, so bring a small flashlight. Finally, never wear anything that projects wealth. It is probably best to leave your jewelry at home. If you follow these simple guidelines while traveling you will be much safer.

Issue #5 Nichole Troyer

Safe Travel tips for New Employees

Safe traveling is important, These are a few safety tips that Global management recommends that all employees know;

1. Make a copy of your passport and keep it with you.

2. Avoid wallets or purses. Keep just enough cash in a closed pocket.

3. Travel light.

4. Never leave any bags or luggage unattended.

5. Try to relax and look like you belong wherever you are.

6. Don't leave your itinerary lying around or discuss travel plans with strangers.

Please use common sense and remember to inform a family member or friend of your locations at all times. Remember to travel safely and light!

Issue #5 Travel Safety

Here at 123 Consulting Corp., travel is a requirement. However, this requirement does not have to be stressful. Here are a few tips in order to help you on your travels both for the company and your own personal trips.

1. Do not dress like a tourist.

2. Use guidebooks and research possible destinations.

3. Stay at reputable hotels.

4. Do not appear lost.

5. Use a taxi when possible.

6. Purchase travel insurance

For more information please visit Safe Travel Tips at

Traveling 101

Everyone at ABC Company is truly valued and the management team here wants to makes sure our employees have the knowledge they need to be safe at home and abroad.
Employees should commit to do the following will traveling:

1. Never leave your bags or company property unattended. If traveling with a company laptop please make sure to carry it onto the aircraft with you.

2. Make copies of your passport. Keep a copy in your luggage and/or family back home.

3. Leave copies of your itinerary with family and friends.

4.Have the phone number of the local Embassy for emergencies.

5. Do not carry all your cash and important information in one area. Ladies make sure your purse has a secure inner pocket. Men consider putting your wallet in your front pocket.

6. Blend in to the local environment. Study local traditions and customs.

7. Check with your insurance company to make sure you are covered incase of a medical emergency. Consider additional insurance, speak with HR about alternatives.

Travel Safety Tips

Since we all travel doing consulting work for our firm, we need to make sure we're being as safe as possible. I've gathered some tips for everyone to know and use, so you can have low-risk, low-stress travel.

1. Don't dress like a tourist, as this brings unnecessary attention.
2. Use guidebooks and research your excursions before going.
3. Stay at reputable hotels.
4. Avoid looking lost.
5. Take a taxi when possible.
6. Purchase travel insurance.

I hope these tips will help you have many safe and successful business trips.

Emily Hales
Travel Director
Global Management Consulting Firm

Safe Travel

With a new fiscal year upon us, I feel that now is the time to discuss safe travel for all of our consultants. First quarter profits provide much of the forward momentum that drives our company for the rest of the year, and it is our most hectic time for sending consultants abroad.

Safety is our top concern for traveling employees, so I have compiled a list of six safety tips for all to study before leaving.

Concerning International Travel
1. Our firm sends consultants to every corner of the world, so a practical knowledge of how to travel safely to other countries is essential. First tip: Avoid wearing expensive or flashy jewelry. Ornaments of this kind will give you the appearance of an affluent tourist, ripe for robbery or mugging.
2. Credit cards should be left at home, along with any other sensitive items. Carry traveler's checks and formulate a budget in advance.
3. Be aware of local customs as well as local geography. This is a more general rule that is not necessarily limited to the customs or the lay of the land. The most important thing to remember when traveling abroad is to be aware of how to behave suitably in another country without attracting the wrong kind of attention. Take note of local laws, significant landmarks (for navigation), cultural mores, and, if necessary, the region's current political climate.

Transportation and Lodging
1. What you do to keep safe once you arrive is only half the story, as keeping safe on the trip is also essential. First tip: after boarding a plane, familiarize yourself with emergency exits and take note of all recommended safety procedures.
2. To safeguard your luggage, travel light; carry-on bags can be kept close to your person at all times, allowing you to monitor them more closely. If you must travel with stow-away baggage, find a way to make it easy to identify at baggage check. An easy option is to mark the handles and sides of the bag with brightly colored tape. If this isn't viable, just remember to attach some kind of personal marker so that you can leave the airport quickly and avoid unnecessary confusion.
3. At the hotel, keep your door locked at all times, and be sure to use the hotel safe. Any visitors should be met in the lobby or another suitable public place.

I want to close by wishing all employees a safe and easy travel season. With these six tips in mind, we can all expect a safer, more productive year to come.

Tips for Travel

I would like to take this opportunity to let everyone know about six tips for safe and stress free travel.

1. Make a plan. Schedule your trips ahead of time. This allows you to have the time to check and adjust for possible conflicts in schedules. Make a list of possible places to go to, as well as activities to engage in. Be flexible in your time frame and make allowances for delays in travel or extensions in stay.

2. Seek advice from people who have been to the place in which you are going: about where you should go and what to avoid.

3. If you are traveling abroad be sure to have all the proper documents (passport, visa, ect.). Make sure that these documents are valid for the length of your trip.

4. Pack lightly but wisely. For your own convenience, pack lightly but be sure to bring the necessities: clothing, money, documents, personal hygiene products etc. Also be sure to check the weather where you will be traveling to be prepared for the hazards that mother nature can throw your way.

5. Take security precautions. Secure a map of the area and numbers of important local institutions such as the hospital, police station and convenience stores. Don't wander in a foreign place alone. Orient yourself with its landmarks, customs, and its citizens. And always remeber to keep an eye on your belonings

6. Be sure to maintain your health. If you are on any medications be sure to bring them with you on your travels. Always be careful about what you eat or drink while traveling.

Travel Tips for New Employees

Wichita International Management Consulting

Our company has expanded to over 40 countries and has at least 30,000 domestic projects and 5,000 international assignments every year. We are extremely pleased with our growth and anticipate significant developments as we begin to expand the variety of industries for which we offer consulting. We are excited to see that we can provide our new employees with opportunities to experience new locations as they complete one project and move on to the next.

Traveling can be stressful however, and oftentimes can turn spell disaster for a project if not adequately prepared for. We encourage our new employees to look at some advice from our senior partners; who wanted to share things some wisdom with new recruits from their own experiences:

1.) Prepare for a trip in advance. Anticipate all the things you might need, and have them ready so that you are not rushing to gather them at the last minute. It makes for a less stressful start to an assignment.

2.) Look at your traveling information closely. You don’t want to arrive at 9:00 pm for a 9:00 am flight.

3.) Always have your phone charged. If you get lost or need information, nothing makes things worse than having a dead phone.

4.) Know who else is assigned to the project and have their contact information on hand. It makes logistics so much easier if you have a way to communicate with the rest of your team.

5.) Have small amounts of cash handy in case of emergencies while traveling. No one enjoys finding out the company credit card isn’t accepted at a location after you take clients out for dinner.

6.) Pay attention to your surroundings. Stay away from dark alleys and don’t use the ATM if there are sketchy people nearby.

Issue 5

Tired of boring summer vacations to places that seem to be filled with obnoxious tourists that don’t share any common interests with you? If you said yes and you enjoy everything our pop culture has to offer, then you’ll love the San Diego Comic-Con. Comic-Con originally showcased comic books, science fiction/fantasy and film/television, and related popular arts. Over the years, the convention has expanded to include a larger range of pop culture elements such as horror, anime, manga, animation, toys, video games, and fantasy novels. The convention is the second largest in the world and had over 125,000 attendees in 2007. Along with panels, seminars, and workshops with comic book professionals, there are previews of upcoming feature films, portfolio review sessions with top comic book and video game companies, and such evening events as awards ceremonies and the Masquerade; a costume contest, and the Comic-Con International Independent Film Festival, which showcases shorts and feature length movies that do not have distribution or distribution deals. Comic-Con is sure to satisfy the little kid in all of us. Hope to see you there!

Issue #5 Comic-Con 2011

The 2011 Comic-Con event is just around the corner. The event will be held from July 21 - 24. Comic-Con features up and coming artists, and seasoned veteran artists. The Exhibition features different arts ranging from comic books, to animated series. There will be many different artists who will provide a look into the making of the art, and even sign autographs! This event is a large benefit to new artists; who can show-case their art for potential buyers.

The attendance is expected to be high, considering Comic-Con drawls the largest amount of viewers of any convention in the country. Although the event is hosted in a 460,000 square foot Exhibition hall, it would be wise to order your tickets as soon as possible. To order tickets, or to view more details of Comic-Con 2011, go to their website at

Come on to Comic-Con

Ever wanted to see your favorite comic book characters come to life or meet the creators behind the characters? The 2010 Comic-Con International Convention is where you need to be on July 21-25. Wednesday, July 21st is a special preview night showcasing anime films in three rooms from 10 am til midnight. You can also catch more films during the Independent Film Festival or San Diego International Children's Film Festival during your stay at the convention. Then come and meet your icons in the Sails Pavilion Autograph Area. A variety of artists, authors and actors from pop culture will be on hand to sign autographs from 10am -7pm Thursday-Saturday and 10am -5pm on Sunday. You will receive a Souveneir Program Book just for registering! You might even see more of your favorite stars at the Eisner Awards presentation, including special guest Spiderman creator Stan Lee! So whether you are a film fanatic, gamer or die-hard fan, you will have the time of your life at Comic-Con International!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Travel Safety Tips for New Employees

To ensure safe travel, please keep in mind the following travel tips:

*Before leaving, make a copy of all credit cards, airline tickets, passports and other important information and leave these copies at home

*Keep all important information within your possession at all times when traveling

*Never leave company documents in a vacant hotel room in plain sight

*Always keep documents and confidential information in a safe or locked in your briefcase

*Encrypt important documents when using public Wi-fi networks whenever possible

*Have the maid service clean the room in the morning while you eat breakfast

*Always hang the "Do Not Disturb" sign on your door when you leave to help ensure no one will enter the room when you are not inside

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Travel Safety Tips for New Employees

This blog posting will be one of a continuing series of posts that deal with Travel Safety. It is applicable to all employees whether you have no travel experience or you are an experienced traveler needing a good reminder.

This posting concerns mainly hotel safety when traveling. The first area of concern is booking the hotel:

1. When choosing a hotel, stick with National Hotel Chains. These normally include interior room entrances which are much safer than an outside, motel-type of entrance.
2. Also inquire with the hotel if there is a reception desk or concierge area near the front entrance. These tend to deter potential criminals.

Upon arrival at the hotel:

3. Use the valet parking whenever it is available and you are arriving or leaving at night. If this is not available, park your car in a well-light area that is located near the front entrance of the hotel.

Once in your room:

4. Place the "Do Not Disturb" sign on the door in order to discourage anyone from entering.

5. Keep your cell phone on at all times. It is a good idea to have 911 and alternative emergency numbers programmed into a speed dial.

6. If you order any take-out or delivery food, have the person deliver your items to the front desk instead of to your own room.

Benefits of Attending San Diego Comic-Con

You will be happy to know that San Diego Comic-Con is fast approaching. The event is being held at the San Diego Convention Center, July 21-24, with Premiere Night on July 20th. The legendary comic creator Niel Adams and the rest of the Adam's Family will be part of this year's big event, along with the other diverse list of the world's hottest comic creators. This year's Exhibit Hall spans 460,000 square feet, and is the one show to attend. New companies who are joining the show this year are eigoManga with the comic "Daniel the Turtle," Frozen Beach Studios with Scott Thompson's comic "The Hollow Planet," Helicon Arts with the graphic novel "Yesterday was a Lie," IDW Publishing, Kotobukiya with their new sculptures, Toynami, and Zenescope Entertainment.
In the schedule, you will be able to enjoy the Anime and Comic-Con International Film Festival, Penn + Teller on Thursday evening, and the Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards on Friday evening. For a full event schedule you can check out the our webiste See you all there.