Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Blog #6 (Issue #10)

I agree with the idea that if a company relays information in an exciting and positive way, you are more likely to be excited and enjoy whatever it is they are trying to get you to do or buy. Much like IX Web Hosting did.

There are many things in life that we all dread doing. Somethings we don't like doing because we don't understand it, because it's time consuming, or because it's just one of those things that nobody gets excited about doing. But if someone, whether it be a company, friend, parent, coach, whomever found a way to make it more exciting or explained it in an exciting way; then the task on hand would be or seem more enjoyable.

It is very important for companies to you the audience-centered approach. For instance, infommercials. I will be the first to admit that I am a sucker for infommercials. They always find a way to make everything seem so easy for ME to do. They explain how much time and money I will save, as well as explaining all of the beneifits for ME. If more companies used the audience-centered approach, they may have a better turnout for sales, customers, or even for positive reviews and feedback.

All in all, you really can't go wrong with using the audience centered approach because the customers are generally the most important aspect to a comany's success.

-Ashley Grubb

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