Monday, October 4, 2010

Travel Tips for New Employees

Wichita International Management Consulting

Our company has expanded to over 40 countries and has at least 30,000 domestic projects and 5,000 international assignments every year. We are extremely pleased with our growth and anticipate significant developments as we begin to expand the variety of industries for which we offer consulting. We are excited to see that we can provide our new employees with opportunities to experience new locations as they complete one project and move on to the next.

Traveling can be stressful however, and oftentimes can turn spell disaster for a project if not adequately prepared for. We encourage our new employees to look at some advice from our senior partners; who wanted to share things some wisdom with new recruits from their own experiences:

1.) Prepare for a trip in advance. Anticipate all the things you might need, and have them ready so that you are not rushing to gather them at the last minute. It makes for a less stressful start to an assignment.

2.) Look at your traveling information closely. You don’t want to arrive at 9:00 pm for a 9:00 am flight.

3.) Always have your phone charged. If you get lost or need information, nothing makes things worse than having a dead phone.

4.) Know who else is assigned to the project and have their contact information on hand. It makes logistics so much easier if you have a way to communicate with the rest of your team.

5.) Have small amounts of cash handy in case of emergencies while traveling. No one enjoys finding out the company credit card isn’t accepted at a location after you take clients out for dinner.

6.) Pay attention to your surroundings. Stay away from dark alleys and don’t use the ATM if there are sketchy people nearby.

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