Sunday, October 10, 2010

Issue #6

I think that Ms. Gaertner-Johnson gives a very interesting perspective in her blogs.
I especially like the blog about personalizing mass mailings. I feel that this is extremely important and truly makes the customer feel valued. Way too many companies, schools, etc. don't take the time these days to truly get to know their audience. Instead, they seemed to be focused on more money, more people, and so forth. In my opinion, when companies take time out of their day to personalize emails, it truly makes a world of difference and will eventually get them more customers, it may just take more time. It is much harder to gain a new customer than to keep an existing one, and personalizing mass mailing is a great way to do this.
In the entry about helping customers think positively, I agreed with most of the points that Johnson has to make. It is important to use positive, audience centered words and phrases in order to keep the interest. However, I feel that in some cases, companies use fluffy words and phrases to the extreme, and it eventually is no longer genuine-sounding. However, the issue is important, I just believe that many times, everything is better in moderation.

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