Monday, November 29, 2010

Issue #10

I think giving McDonalds a new look will get more people to come in, whether it be the food or the free wi-fi or just to lounge around and watch tv is hard to say. I think changing the menu or adding better choices would be a better route to take. Although a lot of people would say you can't change the food because then... well it just wouldn't be the same. Which is kind of the point. I think that adding plasma tv's and lounge chairs will just give people another reason to be lazy and eat McDonalds food. Which might possibly be their goal but its diffinatly not a healthy choice. I don't eat at McDonalds personally I think its disgusting and I don't think changing it to make it feel like more of a coffee house would ever change my mind. I guess for some a change of scenery may make it more appealing but like I said before, the best change to make would be to the menu. Fast food is not classy, why waste millions of dollars to upscale a restaurant where basically kids and people on the go are the main consumers.

Coffee houses are good places for meetings and doing homework; you also don't find many children in coffee houses but McDonalds will always have kids in it.

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