Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog #4

I believe that social media is a great way for companies to promote themselves and any products they have. And by allowing both positive and negative feedback is a great way for a company to grow and become more successful. If they cater to what their users and clients want, then they will have better comments. Of course, there is always the exception. There are always going to be those unsatisfied groups of people.

I think that AT&T handles the negative comments in a very professional manner. By replying to the comments, it shows that they want to learn why customers are unahppy as well as trying to fix the problem. It also show that AT&T genuinely cares about customers and reads their comments, both positive and negative. By not deleting their comments, AT&T shows integrity because they're not afraid to show that they aren't perfect. There are always going to be ways for them to improve, and feedback is the best way.

Obviously, when BP interrupted customers and their comments, it turned out ugly. There were more unhappy people because of it. I think that if a company were to intervene, that would allow more feedback and positive remarks because they are making a conscious effort to make cumstomers happy.

-Ashley Grubb

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