Thursday, August 26, 2010

Blogs in the Workplace

The First Amendment gives everyone in the United States of America the freedom of speech. While this is true, that doesn't mean that what you say in person or through a computer screen does not have consequences. Try burning an American Flag in the front yard of your own house, the property that you own, and see if there is no reaction to your action. It is the same principle in the workplace. If you slander the company that you work for over the internet, which is as public as anyone can get, then there will be a strong reaction from your superior to the action that you partook in. What the superior decides as a punishment for the insult that the person wrote against the company is acceptable and, in my mind, needed. The internet is not a safe haven to write whatever you want about anything that you want. There could be billions of people reading what you wrote and could possibly lose a company sales. So, the leadership in a company has full right to terminate an employee who writes something on a blog that the leadership find unacceptable.

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