Monday, August 30, 2010

Blog #1

I feel that if a blog is set up for the company's beneficial use, it should strictly be used for business only. Those who use the blog to criticize the company or individuals is misusing the blog and its purpose. Blogs are a very benefical way for information to be exchanged, as well as communicating with others. And in every way, the blog should be used for business matters.

If others decide to criticize the company or individuals within, they should do so outside of the company blog. However, if someone is displaying inappropriate information about their company or individuals within, and are caught doing so, disciplinary action should take place. There is obviously a reason why the employeer is unahppy with his/her employeer or other employees, so the matter should be dealt with privately. Also, while a blog may not be the best way to vent frustrations, as long as it is a personal blog, they have a right to their own opinions and freedom of speech. But, the employee should understand that the company has every right to discipline them for their behavior.

So, I believe that we are all entitled to our own opinions about anything and everything. The company has every right to take disciplinary action due to the posting of inappropriate information by an employee. But everyone needs to be cautious of how they display such opinions because it can ruin careers and cause problems later in life.

-Ashley Grubb

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