Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Issue #12
Issue 12
Issue 10
Issue #11
Issue #9 Nikki Nguyen
The negative portrayal of Zuckerberg shows how another person's success may affect the view of how people perceive that person. The movie showed that his greed for success became an issue with the one friend he had. He wanted something different for his company and in order to do that he saw the only way was to cut out his best friend. Maybe he saw it as the best move for him because the company was more important to him than a personal relationship.
Facebook has changed the way people communicate. Now you are able to find millions and millions of people with a click of a button. It is a revolution.
Zuckerberg's success is inspirational. It shows how such simple ideas can become powerful given the right tools. He accomplished something that others attempted and failed. Many people thought Facebook would become unpopular after it was finished being a "new trend", yet it is still growing everyday.
Issue #9
Monday, November 29, 2010
Issue #11 - Elizabeth Mears
While the idea of having a certain percentage of female employees is an honorable idea, it is simply unfeasible. The fact of having a set percentage of a company is women is just like saying 40% of our employees must be white or 75% of our employees have to be Christian. It is unrelated to the job. A man may be just as qualified as a woman for a position in the company, but if 60% of the positions are already full, she will get the job before him. That does not make any sense. The company should strive to hire the most qualified candidate for the position, and not be gender bias.
Issue #9
I think the negative portrayal of Zuckerberg in the movie portrays the jealousy most people have when others are more successful then themselves. People will always criticize others success and degrade them for it.
I think facebook is a revolution. Anymore it is the best way I communicate with my family because of our busy schedules. I can see what they are up to, how they are doing, ask questions, and make comments all in a matter of minutes. And when I have a chance to get on again I know that their replys will be there and if I can't respond right away I can always come back. It's much easier than playing phone tag.
I think Zuckerberg's story should be an inspiration to people with a vision. He did what he had to do to accomplish what he wanted and I think for entrepreneurs, the mentality to do what it takes needs to be there.
Issue #10
Coffee houses are good places for meetings and doing homework; you also don't find many children in coffee houses but McDonalds will always have kids in it.
Issue #11
Issue #11
Issue #9 Nikki Troyer
issue 10
Issue 9
Blog #7 (Issue #10)
Over the past few decades, McDonald's has become a model for many controversies. One of the biggest being their supposed cause of obesity. McDonald's is the fast food company that continues to be the prime target for attack. To relieve themselves of this reputation, they have tried to change their image.
McDonald's is a business, a billion dollar industry. They may be getting bad publicity, but people STILL eat there. Yes, they may lose a few customers but their bad publicity isn't so bad that it's making EVERYONE refuse to eat there.
There may be some things that McDonald's does that people don't agree with. Low wages, unhealthy food options, offering toys to children as encouragement to eat there, and the treatment of the animals are all big topics that are commonly discussed when refering to the bad image McDonald's has. But how many other THOUSANDS of fast food restaurants are there in this world that do the same things. How many other companies are destroying the earth, cruelly killing animals, "causing" obesity, and offering unhealthy food options? Many of them.
If people don't like the way McDonald's runs their company, they don't have to eat there. They don't have to support their business. If McDonald's is breaking laws in reference to wages, animal cruelty, distruction of habitats, and whatever else there is, then that is for the law and the government to take care of. But McDonald's is a billion dollar industry and nothing has stopped the millions of customers from spending their money there.
I think it is great that they have offered a somewhat healthier menu. But in my opinion, if people don't want to eat something unhealthy...no one is making people eat there! And while McDonald's may be serving food that is higher in fat, calories, sugar, carbs, etc...it is all determined by how much of it a person eats. Eating McDonald's once every couple of weeks or once a month is not going to be the cause of obesity.
I don't think that McDonald's should change their image. If they feel that they should increase their popularity by changing their image, then that's their choice. But McDonald's will probably never go out of business because people love to eat there. Regardless of their image. And with the economy the way it is, McDonald's employs more than 1.5 million people. If they go out of business, where will all of the unemployeed people go?
Issue #10
Issue #9
Issue #8
Issue# 11 Equalization between the sexes
Right now, Americans are clamoring for less government (or government control) in their lives. For the government to exercise control over hiring decisions for top executives and boards allows for more influence in the workplace then most people would feel comfortable with. This would greatly effect thousands of companies, and not necessarily in a positive way. There may be some fields, there may not be, but there may be some fields where there are not a great deal of qualified women or men working. To counter this phenomena, a greater number of women could begin to study said field, but that takes time. Should major companies such as Walmart, the largest retailer in the world, fire half of it's board because the government feels it should?
Though this idea does support equality for women, it doesn't necessarily mandate equality for all. What if a board of directors consists of all women? Should men be allowed or mandated top positions, even at companies that cater to and are designed for women, such as Curves? Just as some qualified women today are not promoted in lieu of less qualified men, the program suggested may result in qualified men not being promoted in lieu of less qualified women.
To ensure both fairness and equality, rather then mandating a percentage of women on boards and in executive positions, a merit and/or voting system can be used, much like the congressional approval process for presidential nominees. Those panels consist of equal numbers of Democrats and Republicans. Similarly, when a position opens for a board of executives, an equal number of shareholders or other executives should be allowed to select the individual for the position. The panel should consist of equal numbers of men and women, all with equal voting power. The logistics of a stalemate could be worked out at a later date, as needs arise. But this seems far more acceptable then mandating positions for either sex, and keeps government offices from further controlling business decisions.
Jason Yates Issue#9 Facebook not a revolution.
"Greed is good" mentality only appeals in my opinion to those who benefit. The have-nots of society are more likely to support distributing wealth. While I feel there should be a wide mix of socio-economic classes in society. Capitalism dictates that not everyone profits from the ideas of one, or a few. Business is cutthroat and people on their way "to the top" can't bring everyone with them. I think Zuckerberg's donation corresponding with the movie release is a poor ploy to improve his image, but in spite of that I can't deny that genuine benefit will be derived from a donation of that amount.
For future entrepreneurs I think this story encourages them to value and protect their ideas, and pursue their dreams before anyone else does for them.
Issue #10 - Elizabeth Mears
I understand that this will not change people’s perception on their food, but the food is only half of the dining experience. The other half is environment. If they want more customers, they have to appeal to a wider audience. This change is definitely the way to go. However, there are some issues that need to be addressed first. I understand the concern of the franchise owners having to fund their own remodeling. With all the changes, there will barely be a profit for them. If a better solution is created for everyone to have equal funding and opportunity for change, the franchises are more likely to have a positive response.
Issue #9
The negative portrayal of Zuckerberg says that our culture looks down upon successful business people because of a jealousy factor. Not everyone can be successful in the business world, and they can DEFINITELY not all be as successful as Zuckerberg. I think Zuckerberg’s philanthropy was not related to the negative image of The Social Network. Any time that someone gets into the public eye, anything that they do is going to be criticized. He is getting way too much flack over all of this, when he is trying to do a good thing.
Facebook IS most certainly revolution. It has changed social networking forever. Zuckerberg’s story will live on and be an inspiration to other entrepreneurs. His story will allow them to assume a similar role of the cutthroat tactics and the do whatever it takes mentality.
Issue 11 Jon Parker
Issue 10 Jon Parker
Other companies are trying to do the same thing. Look at walkgreens over the last 5-10 years. They have moved from a cornerstore pharmacy to a small grocery/convientent store. Their image has changed drastically in that time. Another store to do so is Barnes and nobles. They went from being a small bookstore to being a meeting place. They have lounges now and a coffee shop, some even have a sandwhich shop now. All so people will come in spend time there and hopefully pick up a book on the way out.
Issue 8 Jon Parker
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Issue #11
I believe in social equality more than the next, but when it comes to forcing companies to allow positions of great power and responsibility to someone who does not deserve it, then it would be fool-hearty to allow such a thing. Companies thrive under strong direction, not to opposition. I think that the proposals offered by David Cameron's party are brilliant. There are restrictions to discrimination, and consequences that should follow if a company operates in such a way. The idea to audit an entire companies pay scale is a great idea, if a company shows signs of paying on the basis of sex.
Corporate entry-level graduates may be comprised of 47% women, but I think the question is not statistics, but if put to the task, can the said employee operate under the strenuous conditions. Another question to be answered is , why is the number of top executives only 17% , and what are the reasons behind hiring large proportions of men as executive, versus that of women. If the answer to those questions are Discriminatory, then companies should be forced to comply with legislature opposing those actions.
What might work for some individuals, might not work for everyone. If a certain few companies are discriminative, then it should not be imposed on the rest of the countries companies. That being said, I think that any combination of board members or executives should be used to gain favor for any type of industry. The overall goal, of course, is maximizing shareholder wealth.
Issue #10
If McDonald's were to ask me for advice, I would say to continue on course. The only difference in the strategy they have now, is what they will do about parking and heavy traffic areas. If McDonald's wishes to become a local hang-out, then they need to look at a larger, more spacious area. Overall I think the branding strategy could very well be a success. The only problem is to get their franchisees to go along with the plan.
The one thing McDonald's needs, is unity within all of their franchisees. If they plan to go ahead with this re-branding strategy, then they need everyone to be cooperative. They need to first organize a business plan, and make everyone aware of what their intentions are and how it will benefit everyone in either the short-run or the long-run.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Issue #10
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Issue #12
Issue #10
Topic # 10
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Issue #12 Part2
Issue #8
Monday, November 22, 2010
Issue #8
issue #10
I do think that making franchise owners pay for this renovation completely out of their pocket is a little overboard since they are basically forcing the renovation upon the franchise owners.
Dillons, Walmart, and Braums are all trying to change their images. Dillons is trying to be bigger and carry more items to compete more with Walmart. If you walk into the Dillons at 21st and Maize, you can buy furniture, pictures, mirrors, tv's, and much more along with buying your groceries. What's next? A lube express with a shop out of the back of the store?
Walmart is actually downsizing a couple of its locations. There is supposed to be a Walmart built at Central and West across from the Dillons, but there isn't room for a full sized Walmart, so what i've been told is that it will be just the grocery portion of a Walmart. Will that work?
Braums now has their own grocery section called the "fresh market place" I believe. I've never seen Braums as having groceries only as having ice cream, so who knows if all these changes will really benefit these three companies.
issue #8
I would like to get into a job like this during school, but would like to move onto something better after graduation. I found the job on www.wichitahelpwanted.com. My main issue with most job is going to be lack of experience. I do have almost four years of customer service help which should help out a lot though.
Issue #12 (2nd one)
Issue #8 Jason Yates:Choosing a job.
For my cover letter, I chose the job of Intensive Supervision Officer, which is a probation officer with whom a criminal offender would meet with more often then the typical offender. Responsibilities would include ensuring clients have and maintain a job, refrain from using drugs or alcohol, do not possess any firearms, as well as many other restrictions put in place by the court system. I chose to apply for this position because as a criminal justice major, it is the field in which I have the most knowledge. I found the job on HrE partners website, which lists government jobs in Kansas separated by individual counties. Most job requirements on this website recognize that school may often be a substitute for real world experience, and note this accordingly. I found my biggest obstacle when applying for this job was the interview process. Having only experienced a few interviews in my life, it is a task that makes me nervous and uncomfortable. To overcome this obstacle, I practiced answering possible questions with a friend so come interview time, I would be able to more smoothly answer tough questions.
My career ambitions are unclear due to the precarious nature of the job market at present. In spite of having a clear objective, to work in the criminal justice field, I am prepared to adapt to the changing needs of the market as well.
Issue #8
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Issue #10
I think they have great renovation ideas and the restaurants will look great if completed as planned. They will be fun and this will put McDonald’s a step ahead of other fast food restaurants. However, is the change really necessary? McDonald’s is already a successful fast food restaurant known for their food. People go there because they like the food regardless of the atmosphere. Obviously they aren’t going to McDonald’s for the atmosphere because look at McDonald’s right now; dirty, plain, and outdated. In fact, a majority of the customers that go to McDonald’s go through the drive-thru instead of going inside. I think McDonald’s has a great idea and it will probably boost their profit, but is it really going to boost their profits that much to make all the costs of renovations worth it?
Issue #8
This is a position that I would like to have after graduation. I found it on careerbuilder.com. Personally, I have not done a lot of job hunting in the past; I started at my current job during high school. It seems, from others’ experiences, that networking is very beneficial. Knowing people is extremely important when job hunting. Since I have only worked as a teller at the bank, I do not have a lot of experience in other areas of business. Due to this obstacle, on my resume I include business classes that I have completed that enhance my business knowledge.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Issue #10
Issue #8
Issue #9
I agree that Facebook along with other networking sites and even text messaging have been revolutionary. However, they have enabled us to communicate without ever speaking or looking at another human being. People isolate themselves at their computers and lose all of their social/people skills. For an up-and-coming entrepeneur, I would advise you to observe portrayals of businessmen like Zuckerberg before beginning your business ventures. Keep yourself grounded and never forget where you came from or who shaped you along the way. Maintain integrity and dignity in every decision. You will be admired and respected more when you achieve your goals in the right way.
Issue #8
A major obstacle I faced was not having enough or specific experience. However, if you are never given a chance, how are you supposed to ever gain that much-needed experience? It is a vicious cycle. I can overcome this obstacle by persevering in my job search and trying to find specific jobs within the customer service realm. I have 9 months of previous customer service that would be an asset in the job application process.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Issue #8
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Factors In Recruiting Students to a College or University
Topic # 8
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Topic #10
Why Change? Clearly corporate felt it important to revamp their image. Frankly, downplaying the clown is a great idea as many people fear or dislike clowns. The new colors are softer, more muted. New healthier menu items keep McDonald's on the leading edge of a fast moving business.
We have one of the new versions of McDonald's in Derby. The old one was torn down and a brand new one was built. I love it! The interior is nice. The colors are warm and friendly. I like the "zones", provides options for customers based on their needs or wants. As a bonus, it does have wi-fi and two drive through lanes and is open 24/7. Maybe its just me. but the service and food seem to be better at the new improved McDonald's. I have an older one closer to me, but I'd rather drive to the newer one for a better food experience.
Topic #12
1. Brian's story seems like he just got really lucky in the businesses he got involved in. Didn't seem like he did much research on the companies until he was already into them. Seems to me, the entrepreneur that is serious on opening and keeping a business successful would do a ton of research BEFORE starting one. Not to mention, he seemed to have no idea that his first restaurant business would be so time consuming - however, if he had done the research beforehand, he would have known that. I'd like to open my own Accounting Firm one day. However, I will be getting experience in the field and doing a ton of research on the area I am in, the needs the prospective customers will have, etc.
2. I think he would need experience in the businesses he was interested in. Checking prices, needs of prospective customers, developing a budget, etc. Seems like he just "winged it" on all of his businesses. I don't think I'd do things even close to the same way as Brian did. More work needs to be done before investing in and purchasing even an existing business. Even more than that needs to be done before starting a business from the ground up.
3. If Brian did more research and work than was shown in the article, it should have been mentioned. He didn't need to go into details, but just saying he did it would have made sense. Seems like Brian tried to make like running a business was easy and that anyone could do it.
4. Research, research and more research should be done before striking out on a business venture. There are so many resources available to help you get started. For instance, the Small Business Administration will help you, many branches offer seminars and classes to the public.
Topic #8
Topic # 12
Topic #10
Topic #8
Issue #12
Brian Busick’s is not only making money for himself but he is helping these private schools out. I admire his ambitions, and hard work. I would love to build a business, but accounting is not one of my strong suits and I think that is important to have a handle on as a business owner. I would never go into the food business, but have always thought of opening my own bar. There are so many things that go into building a business and I have zero interest in the extra-added stress that goes into it. I would love to have that drive to want to build a business but there is too much that goes into it. Having ideas is one thing, but actually doing them is another. Possibly one day I will decide to go down that road. Today, I will sit back and work for others.
Issue #8
I am currently a middle school basketball coach in Haysville. I want to further my coaching career and move to the high school or collegiate level. Thus, I choose a High School coaching position in another state and town. This will give me the opportunity to widen my scope on coaching. I went to an out of state school district and looked at their employee openings. This was easy to do because every district posts their opportunities directly on their website. I feel as though my lack of experience will keep me from getting this job. I have only coached for two years and it has been at the middle school level. Therefore they will see this as a weakness. I can get more years of experience and then reapply somewhere else if this keeps me from reaching my ultimate goal. I do not want to coach forever, but it is a strong passion of mine currently.
I encourage those who are looking for jobs to search online first. This will give you a broad range of openings in your area. With the new advancements in the technology world, most businesses are moving to online advertising. It is important to check openings daily and have your resume and cover letter already prepared electronically.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Issue #8
The type of job I listed on my resume was a position in the federal government as an intern. I would only want this job temporarily to gain experience. I found this position through networking, as well as, using the internet to help me find out more information about any open positions. If another person was looking for advice about job searching I would tell them that networking is important, but not essential. It always helps to know people because they can put in a good word for you. Other ways of finding jobs that I would recommend would be the internet and classified ads. The steps to getting a position which is sought out by others would be to make a cover letter and resume that showcases your abilities and strengths, so that whoever is hiring will choose you.
Nikki Nguyen
Issue #8 Nikki Troyer
Issue 8
Issue #9
Issue #10
I'm just not sure that by changing the exterior and interior, they will really bring in new people. The people that don't frequent McDonald's don't like the food, rather than not liking the atmosphere. However, since McDonald's has been going through a slight re-invention of their menu, this coupled with their renovations could be enough to convince some people to try out the 'new' McDonald's again, and give them another chance.
One thing is for sure: they will never be able to achieve the style of Starbucks. I don't necessarily think they should, though. They are a different breed of restaurant than Starbucks, and I think McDonald's should keep it that way.
The biggest problem that I see McDonald's facing with this renovation process is the issue of connecting their new look with their menu. They don't have a traditional coffeehouse menu, so I don't think that should be what they advertise their new look as. It needs to be more of creating a comfortable atmosphere to come in and sit down to eat. Most people use McDonald's as simply a fast food restaurant, so recreating their image to also include inside dining more could make a huge difference in their customer base and customer habits.
Issue #8
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Issue #9
Society wants to see popular, successful people as perfect beings. They just need to understand that no one is perfect, and people like Mark Zuckerberg are just like them and may make less than desirable decisions sometimes. I think it also has to do with jealousy; people are jealous of someone who is more successful than them and make more money, so they want to find something to use against him to make him less than great. This is also probably why he's been sued so often: people want his money, so they come up with excuses why they should have it. His recent philanthropy shows he is not in this just for the money, and that he genuinely wants to change (or 'revolutionize') the way the world communicates.
Issue #8
My advice for the job search process would be to use Career Services and Cooperative Education. These offices are incredibly helpful; they will help you make your résumé perfect, do a mock interview with you so you're prepared for questions employers could ask you, and help you find available positions to apply for.
The biggest obstacles I've encountered in the application process is that I don't have experience in accounting positions. I only have my classroom knowledge and my involvement in WSU's accounting fraternity. To overcome this problem, I think it's important to show that you possess the qualities the company's looking for, and that you've researched them to prove you're interested.